Shiyong Zhou
Gender: Male
Education Level: With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Administrative Position: 教授
Alma Mater: 中国地震局地球物理研究所
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Chen, John, Y., Liu, Jiang, M., Liang, Xiaofeng, Sandvo, Eric, Zhou, Shiyong, Tang and Youcai.Crustal structures across the western Weihe Graben, North China: Implications for extrusion tectonics at the northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau.JGR Solid Earth,120,5070-5081,2018,null JGR Solid Earth, 120, 2018. :5070-5081
Zhou, ShiYong, Zhuang, JianCang, Zhou and YiJian.A test on methods for MC estimation based on earthquake catalog. Earth and Planetary Physics,2,150–162,2018,null Earth and Planetary Physics, 2, 2018. :150–162
Zhou, ShiYong, S., &, Z., Gao, Y., Guo, C., Jiang, J., Zhuang, Jia and Ke.Did the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake trigger the occurrence of the 2017 Mw 6.5 Jiuzhaigou earthquake in Sichuan, China?.JGR Solid Earth,123,2965-2983,2018,null JGR Solid Earth, 123, 2018. :2965-2983
Wei, Meng, Zhou, Shiyong, Kim, YoungHee, Liu, Yajing, Li, Duo, Li and Haotian.Segmentation of slow slip events in south central Alaska possibly controlled by a subducted oceanic plateau.JGR Solid Earth,123,418-436,2017,null JGR Solid Earth, 123, 2017. :418-436
HongFeng Yang, S, Zhou, C, Zhuang, M, Wei, J, Y, Liu and HongFeng Yang.Induced earthquakes in the development of unconventional energy resources. Science China Earth Sciences.Science China Earth Sciences,60,1632-1644,2017,null Science China Earth Sciences, 60, 2017. :1632-1644