PkunewsPeking University Official Website
Integrated Quantum Optics Lab
Group Introduction

Welcome to Jianwei Wang’s research group at Peking University. Our group is part of the State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics, Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, and Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences. Our current research interests are quantum information science and technology with photons. We are developing large-scale integrated quantum photonic devices and circuits in a range of materials for applications in the fields of quantum communication, simulation and computation. We are interested in both fundamental physics and advanced applications.我们集成量子光学实验室依托于北京大学物理学院人工微结构与介观物理国家重点实验室、量子物质科学协同创新中心、以及北京量子信息科学研究院。我们的研究兴趣为集成光量子信息科学与技术,涵盖基础量子物理和前沿应用的研究。目前在研的课题主要包括大规模集成光量子芯片的器件和系统研究,对一些重要量子物理基本问题的探索,以及集成光量子芯片在量子密钥分发与通信、量子模拟、量子计算等方面的应用。欢迎优秀的博士后、博士研究生、...

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