
梁存任   助理教授


Below is publicly available software developed by us.

alos2App is an application that can process multi-mode SAR data acquired by the JAXA ALOS-2 satellite. The application is now part of the JPL/Caltech/Stanford ISCE software. Future plans include the support for the upcoming ALOS-4 satellite. Major algorithms are discribed in Liang and Fielding, 2017a, IEEE TGRS and Liang and Fielding, 2017b, IEEE TGRS. Here is an example of ScanSAR-stripmap interfeorgram processed by alos2App and featured in the journal Science.

alos2burstApp is an application for processing ALOS-2 ScanSAR data in a burst-by-burst fashion. The application is now part of the ISCE software. The implemented algorithms can be found in Liang and Fielding, 2017, IEEE TGRS.

alosStack is an application for processing an ALOS-2 InSAR stack. The application is part of the ISCE software. Future plans also include the support for the upcoming ALOS-4 satellite. It also makes use of the algorithms developed in Liang and Fielding, 2017a, IEEE TGRS and Liang and Fielding, 2017b, IEEE TGRS. The output of the application is supported by MintPy.


alos2App, alos2burstApp and alosStack, and their sample processing results.

Sentinel-1 TOPS mode ionospheric correction software
The software performs ionospheric correction for the C-band Sentinel-1 TOPS mode InSAR data. The software is now part of the topsApp in ISCE software. We will soon get it into topsStack for the ionospheric correction of TOPS stack. The detailed algorithms implemented are discribed in Liang et al., 2019, IEEE TGRS. While ionospheric effects at C-band were mostly not considered as a big issue or even misinterpreted as orbit fringes before, recent studies demonstrated that they can be very significant in some cases (Liang et al., 2019, IEEE TGRS).


Ionospheric correction of a stack of Sentinel-1 TOPS interferograms in northern Chile (Track A149).

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