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Personal Information:


Main positions:Associate Professor
Degree:Doctoral degree
School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences



Gender: Male

Education Level: With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Administrative Position: Associate Professor

Alma Mater: University of Colorado


Current position: 英文主页 / Publications

  • Huang C., Zhang N.*, Li Z-X., Ding M., Dang Z., Pourteau A., Zhong S., 2019, Modelling the Inception of Supercontinent Break-up: Stress State and the Importance of Orogens. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystem. 20, doi: 10.1029/2019GC008538.

  • H. Li, Nan Zhang*, Yan Liang et al., 2019, Lunar Cumulate Mantle Overturn: A Model Constrained by Ilmenite Rheology. J. Geophys. Res., 135(1),

  • Nan Zhang, Z. Dang, C. Huang*, Z.-X. Li, 2018, The dominant driving force for supercontinent breakup: Plume push or subduction retreat? Geoscience Frontiers, 9, 997-1007.

  • M. Ding, & Nan Zhang*, 2018, Early Geologic History of the Moon. Encyclopedia of Lunar Science, In: Cudnik B. (eds), 8, Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-05546-6_8-1.

  • Nan Zhang, Z.-X. Li, 2017, Formation of mantle “lone plumes” in the global downwelling zone — A multiscale modelling of subduction-controlled plume generation beneath the South China Sea, Tectonophysics, 723, 1-13.

  • Nan Zhang, N. Dyger, Y. Liang, E. M. Parmentier, 2017, The effect of ilmenite viscosity on the dynamics and evolution of an overturned lunar cumulate mantle, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44: 6543-6552.

  • Nan Zhang, 2014, Internal Structure/Mantle Motions of the Moon. Encyclopedia of Lunar Science, In: Cudnik B. (eds), 1, Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-05546-6_10-1.

  • Nan Zhang, E.M. Parmentier, and Y., Liang, 2013, A 3D numerical study of the thermal evolution of the Moon after cumulate mantle overturn: The importance of rheology and core solidification. J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/jgre.20121.

  • Nan Zhang, E.M. Parmentier, and Y. Liang, 2013, Effects of lunar cumulate mantle overturn and megaregolith on the expansion and contraction history of the Moon. Geophys. Res. Lett., 40: 5019-5023.

  • Nan Zhang, S.J., Zhong, and R.M., Flowers, 2012, Predicting and testing continental vertical motion histories since the Paleozoic, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 317, 426-435.

  • R.M. Flowers, A.K. Ault, S.A. Kelley, S. Zhong, N. Zhang, 2012, Epeirogeny or eustasy? Paleozoic-Mesozoic vertical motion of the North American continental interior from thermochronometry and implications for mantle dynamics, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 2012, 317: 436-445.

  • Nan Zhang, and S. Zhong, 2011, Heat Fluxes at the Earth's Surface and Core-mantle Boundary since the Pangea Formation and Their Implications for the Geomagnetic Superchrons. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 306, 205-216.

  • Nan Zhang, S.J. Zhong, W. Leng, and Z.X. Li. 2010, A Model for the Evolution of the Earth's Mantle Structure since the Early Paleozoic. J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JB006896.

  • Nan Zhang, S.J. Zhong, and A. K. McNamara 2009, Supercontinent formation from stochastic collision and mantle convection models, Gondwana Reseach. DOI:10.1002/esp.2036.

  • Zhong S., N. Zhang*, Z.X. Li, and J.H. Roberts (2007), Supercontinent cycles, true polar wander, and very long wave-length mantle convection, Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., 261, 551-564.

  • Nan Zhang and R. Pysklywec, 2006, Role of mantle flow at the North Fiji Basin: Insights from anomalous topography. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystem. 7, doi:10.1029/2006GC001376.
