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Planetary Climate and Habitability
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In Preparation

[4] Yanhong Lai, Wanying Kang, Jun Yang: Ocean circulation on a tide-locked lava worlds simulated by an idealized 2D model.

[3] Jiaru Shi, Jun Yang, Dorian S. Abbot, Yonggang Liu, Wanying Kang, Yufeng Lin, Yongyun Hu: Huge Ocean Tides on Planets Orbiting Low-mass Stars.

[2] Lixiang Gu, Jun Yang, Mingyu Yan: Simulated climate of TRAPPIST-1e using MPAS and comparisons with other GCMs

[1] Jiawenjing Lan, Jun Yang, Yongyun Hu, ...: Evolution of the Walker cell strength during the past 540 million years.


[63] Xinyi Song, Jun Yang, and Yong Wei. A look-back to the 50-year exploration of Jupiter's atmosphere. Reviews of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, 2024, 55(0): 1-16 (in Chinese), doi:10.19975/j.dqyxx.2024-011. PDF

[62] Mingyu Yan, and Jun Yang. Fine Cloud Structures on a Hard Snowball Earth, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2024, 129, e2023JD040688, doi:10.1029/2023JD040688. PDF

[61] Xinyi Song, Dorian S. Abbot, Jun Yang. Critical role of vertical radiative cooling contrast in triggering episodic deluges in small-domain hothouse climates. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2024, in press. 

[60] Mengyu Wei, Jun Yang, Yongyun Hu, Yonggang Liu, Shineng Hu, Xiang Li, Jiawenjing Lan, Jiaqi Guo, Shuai Yuan, Ji Nie. Simulated Warming Hole in Paleo-Pacific Oceans. Journal of Climate, 2024, in press. 

[59] Jiachen Liu, Jun Yang, Feng Ding, Gang Chen, Yongyun Hu. Hydrologic Cycle Weakening in Hothouse Climates. Science Advances, 2024,10,17, doi:10.1126/sciadv.ado2515. PDF


[58] Yongyun Hu, Xiang Li, William R. Boos, Jiaqi Guo, Jiawenjing Lan, Qifan Lin, Jing Han, Jian Zhang, Xiujuan Bao, Shuai Yuan, Qiang Wei, Yonggang Liu, Jun Yang, Ji Nie, Zhengtang Guo. Emergence of the modern global monsoon from the Pangaea megamonsoon set by palaeogeography. Nature Geoscience, 2023, 16, 1041–1046, doi:10.1038/s41561-023-01288-y. PDF

[57] Shiyan Zhang, Yongyun Hu, Jun Yang, Xiang Li, Wanying Kang, Jian Zhang, Yonggang Liu, Ji Nie. The Hadley Circulation in the Pangea era. Science Bulletin, 2023, 68, doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2023.04.021. PDF

[56] Jing Han, Ji Nie, Yongyun Hu, William R. Boos, Yonggang Liu, Jun Yang, Shuai Yuan, Xiang Li, Jiaqi Guo, Jiawenjing Lan, Qifan Lin, Xiujuan Bao, Mengyu Wei, Zhibo Li, Kai Man, Zihan Yin: Continental drift shifts tropical rainfall by altering radiation and ocean heat transport, Science Advances, 2023, 9, doi:10.1126/sciadv.adf7209. PDF

[55] Xiujuan Bao, Yongyun Hu, Christopher R Scotese, Xiang Li, Jiaqi Guo, Jiawenjing Lan, Qifan Lin, Shuai Yuan, Mengyu Wei, Zhibo Li, Kai Man, Zihan Yin, Jing Han, Jian Zhang, Qiang Wei, Yonggang Liu, Jun Yang, Ji Nie: Quantifying climate conditions for the formation of coals and evaporites, National Science Review, 2023, 10,6, doi:10.1093/nsr/nwad051. PDF

[54] Jun Yang, Yixiao Zhang, Zuntao Fu, Mingyu Yan, Xinyi Song, Mengyu Wei, Jiachen Liu, Feng Ding, and Zhihong Tan: Cloud behaviour on tidally locked rocky planets from global high-resolution modelling, Nature Astronomy, 2023, doi:10.1038/s41550-023-02015-8. PDF SI

[53] Shuang Wang, and Jun Yang: Lorenz Energy Cycle: Another Way to Understand the Atmospheric Circulation on Tidally Locked Terrestrial Planets, The Planetary Science Journal, 4, 5, doi: 10.3847/PSJ/accf11. PDF

[52] Jiawenjing Lan, Jun Yang, Yongyun Hu, Xiang Li, Jiaqi Guo, Qifan Lin, Jing Han, Jian Zhang, Shuang Wang, and Ji Nie: Weak Equatorial Superrotation during the Past 250 Million Years, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2023, 80, 4, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-22-0072.1. PDF

[51] Jiachen Liu, Jun Yang, Yixiao Zhang and Zhihong Tan: Convection and Clouds under Different Planetary Gravities Simulated by a Small-domain Cloud-resolving Model, The Astrophysical Journal, 2023, 994, 1, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aca965PDF

[50] Xiang Li, Yongyun Hu, Jun Yang, Mengyu Wei, Jiaqi Guo, Jiawenjing Lan, Qifan Lin, Shuai Yuan, Jian Zhang, Qiang Wei, Yonggang Liu, Ji Nie, Yan Xia and Shineng Hu: Climate Variations in the Past 250 Million Years and Contributing Factors, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38, 2, doi:10.1029/2022PA004503PDF


[49] Junyan Xiong, Jun Yang and Jiachen Liu: Smaller Sensitivity of Precipitation to Surface Temperature Under Massive Atmospheres, Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 48, 19, doi:10.1029/2022GL099599. PDF

[48] Mingyu Yan, Jun Yang, Yixiao Zhang, Han Huang: Cloud Feedback on Earth's Long-Term Climate Simulated by a Near-Global Cloud-Permitting Model, Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49, 15, doi:10.1029/2022GL100152PDF

[47] Xiang Li, Yongyun Hu, Jiaqi Guo, ..., Jun Yang, ...: A High-resolution Climate Simulation Dataset for the Past 540 Million Years, Scientific Data, 2022, 9, 371, doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01490-4. PDF

[46] Yanhong Lai, and Jun Yang: Thermocline Depth on Water-rich Exoplanets, The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, 933, 152, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac7221. PDF

[45] Qiyu Song, Jun Yang, Hang Luo, Cheng Li, and Shizuo Fu: Idealized 2D Cloud-Resolving Simulations for Tidally Locked Habitable Planets, The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac7879. PDF

[44] Shuang Wang, and Jun Yang: Atmospheric Overturning Circulation on Dry, Tidally-locked Rocky Planets is Mainly Driven by Radiative Cooling, Planetary Science Journal, 2022, 3, 171,  doi:10.3847/PSJ/ac6d65. PDF

[43] Jian Ge, Hui Zhang, Weicheng Zang, ..., Jun Yang, ...: ET White Paper: To Find the First Earth 2.0, 2022, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2206.06693. PDF

[42] Jintai Lin, Chunjiang Zhou, Lulu Chen, Gang Huang, J.‐F. Lamarque, Ji Nie, Jun Yang, Kaiming Hu, Peng Liu, Jingxu Wang, Yan Xia, Yang Yang, Yongyun Hu: Sulfur emissions from consumption by developed and developing countries produce comparable climate impacts, Nature Geoscience, 2022, doi:10.1038/s41561-022-00898-2. PDF

[41] Yidongfang Si, Jun Yang,  and Yonggang Liu: Planetary Climate under Extremely High Vertical Diffusivity, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022, 658, A33, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140778PDF


[40] Yan Xia, Yi Huang, Yongyun Hu, and Jun Yang. Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor Variations Diagnosed from Satellite Observations, Reanalysis Data, and a Chemistry–Climate Model. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2021, 35, 701–715, doi:10.1007/s13351-021-0193-0. PDF

[39] Thomas Fauchez, Martin Turbet, Denis E. Sergeev, ..., Jun Yang, ...: TRAPPIST Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI) Workshop Report, The Planetary Science Journal, 2021, 2, 3, doi:10.3847/PSJ/abf4df. PDF

[38] Xinyi Song, and Jun Yang: Asymmetry and Variability in the Transmission Spectra of Tidally Locked Habitable Planets, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2021, 8, 134, doi:10.3389/fspas.2021.708023. PDF

[37] Weiwen Ji,  Alexander Robel, Eli Tziperman, and Jun Yang: Laurentide ice saddle mergers drive rapid sea level drops during glaciations, Geophysical Research Letters, 2021, 48, 14, doi:10.1029/2021GL094263. PDF

[36] Yaoxuan Zeng, and Jun Yang: Oceanic Superrotation on Tidally Locked Planets, The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 909, 172, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abe12f. PDF

[35] Shuang Wang, and Jun Yang: Phase Shift of Planetary Waves and Wave--Jet Resonance on Tidally Locked Planets, The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 901, 28, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abcf2a. PDF


[34] Yonggang Liu, Jun Yang, Huiming Bao, Bing Shen, and Yongyun Hu: Large equatorial seasonal cycle during Marinoan snowball Earth, Science Advances, 2020, 6, 23, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aay2471PDF

[33] Mingyu Yan, and Jun Yang: Hurricanes on Tidally Locked Terrestrial Planets: Fixed Sea Surface Temperature Experiments, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020, 643, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202038203PDF

[32] Yixiao Zhang, and Jun Yang: How does Background Air Pressure Influence the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zonefor Tidally Locked Planets in 3D View? Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2020, 901, 2, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/abb87f. PDF

[31] Junyan Xiong, Jun Yang, and Ji Nie: Possible Dependence of Climate on Atmospheric Mass: A Convection-Circulation-Cloud Coupled Feedback, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2020, 77, 11, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-20-0022.1. PDF

[30] Mengyu Wei, Yixiao Zhang, and Jun Yang: Small Sensitivity of the Simulated Climate of Tidally Locked Aquaplanets to Model Resolution, The Astrophysical Journal, 2020, 898, 156, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab9b83PDF

[29] Wenshuo Yue, and Jun Yang: Effect of Sea-ice Drift on the Onset of Snowball Climate on Rapidly Rotating Aqua-planets, Astrophycial Journal Letters, 2020, 898, 1, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aba264PDF

[28] Jun Yang, Weiwen Ji, and Yaoxuan Zeng: Transition from Eyeball to Snowball Driven by Sea-ice Drift on Tidally Locked Terrestrial Planets, Nature Astronomy, 2020, 4, 58-66, doi:10.1038/s41550-019-0883-zPDF Press: PKU News,


[27] Thomas Fauchez, Martin Turbet, Eric T. Wolf, Ian Boutle, Michael J. Way, Anthony D. Del Genio, Nathan J. Mayne, Konstantinos Tsigaridis, Ravi K. Kopparapu, Jun Yang, Francois Forget, Avi Mandell, and Shawn D. Domagal Goldman: TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI): Motivations and Protocol, Geoscientific Model Development, 2019, 13, 2, doi:10.5194/gmd-13-707-2020. PDF

[26] Ji Nie, Yan Xia, Shineng Hu, Wei Yuan, Jun Yang, and Ding Ma: Similarity among atmospheric thermal stratification over elevated surface under Radiative-Convective Equilibrium, Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, 46, 6, doi:10.1029/2018GL081867PDF

[25] Yan Xia, Yi Huang, Yongyun Hu, and Jun Yang: Impacts of tropical tropopause warming on the stratospheric water vapor, Climate Dynamics, 2019, 53, 3409-3418, doi:10.1007/s00382-019-04714-3PDF

[24] Jun Yang, Dorian S. Abbot, Daniel D.B. Koll, Yongyun Hu, and Adam P. Showman: Ocean dynamics and the inner edge of the habitable zone for tidally locked terrestrial planets, The Astrophysical Journal, 2019, 871, 29, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aaf1a8PDF


[23] Jun Yang, Jeremy Leconte, Eric T. Wolf, Timonthy Merlis, Daniel D.B. Koll, Francois Forget, and Dorian S. Abbot: Simulations of Water Vapor and Clouds on Rapidly Rotating and Tidally Locked Planets: a 3D Model Intercomparison, Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 875, 46, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab09f1PDF

[22] Qiang Wei, Yongyun Hu, Yonggang Liu, Douglas N. C. Lin, Jun Yang, and Adam P. Showman: Young Surface of Pluto’s Sputnik Planitia Caused by Viscous Relaxation, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2018, 856, L14, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aab54fPDF

[21] Yonggang Liu, Richard W. Peltier, Jun Yang, and Yongyun Hu: Influence of Surface Topography on the Critical Carbon Dioxide Level Required for the Formation of a Modern Snowball Earth, Journal of Climate, 2018, 31, 20, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0821.1PDF


[20] Jun Yang, Feng Ding, Ramses M. Ramirez, W. R. Peltier, Yongyun Hu, and Yonggang Liu: Abrupt Climate Transition of Icy Worlds from snowball to moist or runaway greenhouse, Nature Geoscience, 2017, 10, 556-560, doi:10.1038/NGEO2994PDF    Press:Nature Geoscience News & Views, Scientific American,, Nature HighlightMOTHERBROAD, Nature Research (Chinese)

[19] Jun Yang, Malte F. Jansen, Francis A. Macdonald, and Dorian S. Abbot: Persistence of a freshwater surface ocean after a snowball Earth, Geology, 2017, 45, 7, doi:10.1130/G38920.1PDF   Press: New Scientist

[18] Yongyun Hu, Yuwei Wang, Yonggang Liu, and Jun Yang: Climate and habitability of Kepler 452b simulated with a fully coupled atmospheric-oceanic general circulation model, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2017, 85, L6, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aa56c4PDF


[17] Jun Yang, Jeremy Leconte, Eric T. Wolf, Colin Goldblatt, Nicole Feldl, Timonthy Merlis, Yuwei Wang, Daniel D.B. Koll, Feng Ding, Francois Forget, and Darian S. Abbot: Differences in water vapor radiative transfer among 1D models can significantly affect the inner edge of the habitable zone, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 826, 2, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/826/2/222PDF

[16] Jun Yang, W. Richard Peltier, and Yongyun Hu: Monotonic Decrease of the Zonal SST Gradient of the Equatorial Pacific as a Function of CO2 Concentration, J.Geophys. Res. Atmos., 2016, 121, 10,637–10,653, doi:10.1002/2016JD025231. PDF

[15] Yuwei Wang, Yonggang Liu, Feng Tian, Jun Yang, Feng Ding, Linjiong Zhou, and Yongyun Hu: Effects of obliquity on habitability of exoplanets around M dwarfs. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 823, L20, doi:10.3847/2041-8205/823/1/L20PDF

[14] Ravi Kumar Kopparapu, Eric T. Wolf, Jacob Haqq-Misra, Jun Yang, James F. Kasting, Victoria Meadows, Ryan Terrien, and S. Mahaevan, The Inner Edge of Habitable Zone for Synchronously Rotating Planets Around Low-mass Stars Using General CIrculation Models, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 819, 84, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/819/1/84PDF

[13] Yonggang Liu, W. Richard Peltier, Jun Yang, Guido Vettoretti, and Yuwei Wang, Strong Effects of Tropical Ice Sheet Coverage and Thickness on The Hard Snowball Earth Bifurcation Point, Climate Dynamics, 2016, 48, 3459-3474, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3278-1PDF


[12] Jun Yang, Yonggang Liu, Yongyun Hu, and Dorian S. Abbot: Water Trapping on Tidally Locked Terrestrial Planets Requires Special Conditions. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014, 796, L22, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/796/2/L22PDF    Press: Astrobiology Magazine,

[11] Jun Yang, Gwenael Boue, Daniel C. Frabrycky, and Dorian S. Abbot: Strong Dependence of the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone on Planetary Rotation Rate. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014, 787, L2, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/787/1/L2PDF    Press:

[10] Yongyun Hu, and Jun Yang: Role of ocean heat transport in climates of tidally locked exoplanets around M-dwarf Stars, PNAS, 2014, 111, 629-634, doi:10.1073/pnas.1315215111PDF    Press: SciTechDaily

[9] Jun Yang, and Dorian S. Abbot: A low-order model of water vapour, clouds, and thermal emission of tidally locked terrestrial planets. The Astrophysical Journal, 2014, 784, 155, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/784/2/155PDF


[8] Yonggang Liu, W. Richard Peltier, Jun Yang, Guido Vettoretti: The initiation of Neoproterozoic Snowball Climates in CCSM3: The Influence of Paleo-Continental Configuration, Clim. Past, 2013, 9, 6, doi:10.5194/cp-9-2555-2013. PDF

[7] Jun Yang, Nicholas B. Cowan, and Dorian S. Abbot: Stabilizing cloud feedback dramatically expands the habitable zone of tidally locked planets, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2013, 771, L45, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/771/2/L45. PDF    Press: UChicago News, National Geographic, LA Times


[6] Jun Yang, Yongyun Hu, and W. Richard Peltier: Radiative effects of ozone on climate of a Snowball Earth. Clim. Past, 2012, 8, 6, doi:10.5194/cp-8-2019-2012. PDF

[5] Jun Yang, W. Richard Peltier, and Yongyun Hu: The initiation of modern soft and hard Snowball Earth climates in CCSM4. Clim. Past, 2012, 8, 3, doi:10.5194/cp-8-907-2012. PDF

[4] Jun Yang, W. Richard Peltier, and Yongyun Hu: The initiation of modern "soft Snowball" and "hard Snowball" climates in CCSM3. Part II: climate dynamic feedbacks. J. Climate, 2012, 25, 2737-2754, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00190.1. PDF

[3] Jun Yang, W. Richard Peltier, and Yongyun Hu: The initiation of modern "soft Snowball" and "hard Snowball" climates in CCSM3. Part I: the influence of solar luminosity, CO2 concentration and the sea-ice/snow albedo parameterization. J. Climate, 2012, 25, 2721-2736, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00189.1. PDF

Before 2012

[2] Yongyun Hu, Jun Yang, Feng Ding, and W. Richard Peltier: Model-dependence of the CO2 threshold for melting the hard Snowball Earth. Clim. Past, 2011, 7, 1, doi:10.5194/cp-7-17-2011. PDF

[1] Yongyun Hu, Da Yang, and Jun Yang: Blocking systems over an aqua-planet. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2008, 35, L19818, doi:10.1029/2008GL035351. PDF


[5] Junyan Xiong, Jun Yang: Examining the role of varying surface pressure in the climate of early Earth, Climate of the Past Discussion, 2020, doi:10.5194/cp-2020-55PDF

[4] Jun Yang and Yongyun Hu, 2017: Carl-Gustaf Rossby, translated from James R. Fleming, Physics Today, 2017, (1):51, Physics, 46(1), 39-40, in Chinese. PDF

[3] Weiwen Ji, Ru Chen, and Jun Yang: Idealized Wind-driven Ocean Circulations On Exoplanets, arXiv:1809.01376. PDF

[2] Juan Li, Yan Xia, and Jun Yang: Meridional Patterns of Surface Warming and the Underlying Mechanisms in Dry and Moist AGCMs, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2020, 56, (1): 123-134, in Chinese, DOI:10.13209/j.0479-8023.2019.120. PDF

[1] Huanzhou Yang and Jun Yang: How do planetary radius and gravity influence the surface temperature of rapidly rotating planets, arXiv:1910.06479. PDF