Dr Yang Li is an associate professor in Economic Geology and Geochemistry at Peking University, and an honorary associate professor at University College London. His research mainly focuses on timing and rates of geological process, with a specific emphasis on ore formation, mass extinction and life innovation. Rooted in field geology and driven by research innovations, he develops cutting edge analytical tools to tackle the problems in earth and planetary sciences. He currently served at the editorial board of Geology, Economic Geology, Mineralium Deposita and Science Bulletin.
李扬,北京大学副教授、研究员、博士生导师、英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)荣誉副教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者。主要从事地质年代学和矿床地球化学等领域的研究,以分析方法研发和应用研究紧密结合为特色,致力于研究需求驱动的技术革新和理论创新,在生命与环境协同演化,成矿作用的时间、节律和效率等领域取得多项创新成果。担任Geology,Economic Geology和Mineralium Deposita等国际权威刊物副主编/编委,Science Bulletin和科学通报等国产优秀期刊特邀编委。