Group Annual Meeting 2017 in January
PSU visit in January
A Mini-workshop on South China Rainfall at Taiwan University in March
International Workshop on South China Rainfall in April
We chose the best day in Spring 2017 for a group trip:(
The opening and the first workshsop of Severe Weather International Consortium (SWIC) during 7-10 May in Nanjing
A short tour in Nanjing between the workshop and the summer school on 10 May
Summer school on mesoscale processes in severe weather during 10-12 May 2017
Dr. Matthew Kumjian from Pennsylvania State University and Dr. Daniel Stern from UCAR visited us during 14-16 May
AMS 17th Mesoscale Processes Conference on 23-27 July in San Diego, U.S.
Chifeng Tornado Damage Survey on 12-14 August
Autumn Taishan tour on 23 September
The 12th International Conference on Mesoscale Convective System (ICMCS12)on 17-20 October at Taipei