
Maintaining stable radiation pressure acceleration of ion beams via cascaded electron replenishment.New J. Phys.,2017
Intense attosecond pulses from laser-irradiated near-critical-density plasmas.Opt. Express,2017
Attosecond light pulses generation along the target surface driven by obliquely-incident lasers.Phys. Plasmas,2017
Magnetic reconnection in the high-energy density regime.Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion,2017
Gamma-ray generation from laser-driven electron resonant acceleration: In the non-QED and the QED regimes.Phys. Plasmas,2017
Monoenergetic ion beam acceleration from transversely confined near-critical plasmas by intense laser pulses.Phys. Plasmas,,2017
Ultraintense laser absorption and -ray synchrotron radiation in near critical density plasmas.Phys. Plasmas,2017
Relay transport of relativistic flows in extreme magnetic fields of stars.Phys. Plasmas,2017
Magnetic X points disturbed by the in-plane electric fields.Phys. Plasmas,2017
Collimated gamma photon emission driven by PW laser pulse in a plasma density channel.Appl. Phys. Lett.,2017