
Efficient shock drift acceleration in the collision of two asymmetric pair plasma shells.Phys. Plasmas,2017
Transport and spatial energy deposition of relativistic electrons in copper-doped fast ignition plasmas.Phys. Plasmas,2017
Nonlinear parametric resonance of relativistic electrons with a linearly polarized laser pulse in a plasma channel.Phys. Plasmas,2017
Relativistic laser hosing instability suppression and electron acceleration in a preformed plasma channel.Phys. Rev. E,2017
Production of high-angular-momentum electron beams in laser-plasma interactions.Phys. Rev. E,2017
High-efficiency γ-ray flash generation via multiple-laser scattering in ponderomotive potential well.Phys. Rev. E,2017
Visualizing fast electron energy transport into laser-compressed high-density fast-ignition targets.Nature Physics,2016
Generation of Superponderomotive Electrons in Multipicosecond Interactions of Kilojoule Laser Beams with Solid-Density Plasmas.Phys. Rev. Lett.,2016
Generation of quasi-monoenergetic heavy ion beams via staged shock wave acceleration driven by intense laser pulses in near- critical plasmas.New. J. Phys.,2016
Characterization of magnetic reconnection in the high-energy-density regime.Phys. Rev. E,2016