
Quasi-monoenergetic ion beam acceleration by laser-driven shock and solitary waves in near-critical plasmas.Phys. Plasmas,2016
Characteristics of betatron radiation from direct-laser-accelerated electrons.Phys. Rev. E,2016
Enhanced target normal sheath acceleration of protons from intense laser interaction with a cone-tube target.AIP Advances,2016
Energetic electron-bunch generation in a phase-locked longitudinal laser electric field.Phys. Rev. E,2016
Optimization of the combined proton acceleration regime with a target composition scheme.Phys. Plasmas,2016
Controlling multiple filaments by relativistic optical vortex beams in plasmas.Phys. Rev. E,2016
Varying stopping and self-focusing of intense proton beams as they heat solid density matter.Phys. Plasmas,2016
elf-Consistent Simulation of Transport and Energy Deposition of Intense Laser-Accelerated Proton Beams in Solid-Density Matter.Phys. Rev. Lett.,2015
Generation of overdense and high-energy electron-positron-pair plasmas by irradiation of a thin foil with two ultraintense lasers.Phys. Rev. E,2015
Mitigating the relativistic laser beam filamentation via an elliptical beam profile.Phys. Rev. E,2015