
The radiation reaction effects in the ultra-intense and ultra-short laser foil interaction regime.Phys. Plasmas,2015
Guiding and collimation of laser-accelerated proton beams using thin foils followed with a hollow plasma channel.Phys. Plasmas,2015
Suppression of transverse ablative Rayleigh-Taylor-like instability in the hole-boring radiation pressure acceleration by using elliptically polarized laser pulses.Phys. Rev. E,2014
Generation of high-energy mono-energetic heavy ion beams by radiation pressure acceleration of ultra-intense laser pulses.Phys. Plasmas,2014
Research on ponderomotive driven Vlasov–Poisson system in electron acoustic wave parametric region.Phys. Plasmas,2014
Gamma-ray source through inverse Compton scattering in a thermal hohlraum.Laser Part. Beams,2013
Dynamics of high-energy proton beam acceleration and focusing from hemisphere-cone target by high-intensity lasers.Phys. Rev. E,2013
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Generation of energetic (>15 MeV) neutron beams from proton- and deuteron-driven nuclear reactions using short pulse lasers.Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion,2013
Generation of high-energy (>15 MeV) neutrons using short pulse high intensity lasers.Phys. Plasmas,2012