
Hui Wu, Qingbo Wen, Liming Hu and Meng Gong.Effect of adsorbate concentration to adsorbent dosage ratio on the sorption of heavy metals on soils.Journal of Environmental Engineering,144,04017094,2017
Hui Wu, Liming Hu and Qingbo Wen.Numerical simulation of electro-osmotic consolidation coupling non-linear variation of soil parameters.Computers and Geosciences,103,92-98,2017
Hui Wu, Qingbo Wen, Liming Hu and Meng Gong.Feasibility study on the application of coal gangue as landfill liner material.Waste Management,63,161-171,2017
Hui Wu, Liming Hu, Wengang Qi and Qingbo Wen.Analytical Solution for Electro-osmotic Consolidation Considering Non-linear Variation of Soil Parameters.International Journal of Geomechanics,17,06016032-1,2016
Hui Wu, Liming Hu, Lin Zhang and Qingbo Wen.Transport and exchange behavior of ions in bentonite during electro-osmotic consolidation.Clays and Clay Minerals,63,395-403,2016
Liming Hu, Hui Wu, Lin Zhang and Qingbo Wen.Geotechnical properties of mine tailings.Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,29,04016220,2016
Hui Wu, Liming Hu and Guoping Zhang.Effects of electro-osmosis on the physical and chemical properties of a bentonite.Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,28,06016010-1,2016
Hui Wu and Liming Hu.Analytical solution for axisymmetric electro-osmotic consolidation.Géotechnique,63,1074-1079,2015
Hui Wu, Liming Hu and Qingbo Wen.Electro-osmotic enhancement of bentonite with reactive and inert electrodes.Applied Clay Science,111,76-82,2015
Hui Wu and Liming Hu.Microfabric change of electro-osmotic stabilized bentonite.Applied Clay Science,101,503-509,2014