
Hui Wu, Pengcheng Fu, Adam J. Hawkins, Hewei Tang and Joseph P. Morris.Predicting the long term thermal performance of EGS reservoirs from tracer tests using ensemble smoother with multiple data assimilation.Water Resources Research,57,e2021WR030987,2021,10.1029/2021WR030987
Hui Wu, Pengcheng Fu, Zachary Frone, Mark D. White, Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Joseph P. Morris, Hunter A. Knox, Paul C. Schwering, Christopher E. Strickland, Benjamin Q. Roberts, Vince R. Vermeul, Earl D. Mattson, Mathew D. Ingraham, Timothy J. Kneafsey and Douglas A. Blankenship.Modeling heat transport processes in enhanced geothermal systems: Validation at EGS Collab Experiment 1.Geothermics,97,102254,2021,10.1016/j.geothermics.2021.102254
Pengcheng Fu, M. Schoenball, J.B. Ajo-Franklin, C. Chai, M. Maceira, J.P. Morris and Hui Wu.Close observation of hydraulic fracturing at EGS Collab Experiment 1: Fracture trajectory, microseismic interpretations, and the role of natural fractures.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,126,e2020JB020840,2021,10.1029/2020JB020840
Hui Wu, R.R. Settgast, Pengcheng Fu and J.P. Morris.An enhanced virtual crack closure technique for stress intensity factor calculation along arbitrary crack fronts and the application in hydraulic fracturing simulation.Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,54,2943-2957,2021,10.1007/s00603-021-02428-9
Hui Wu, Pengcheng Fu, J.P. Morris, E.D. Mattson, G. Neupane, M.M. Smith, Adam J. Hawkins, Yuran Zhang and Timothy Kneafsey.Characterization of flow and transport in a fracture network at the EGS Collab field experiment through stochastic modeling of tracer recovery.Journal of Hydrology,593,125888,2020,10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125888
Hui Wu, P. Fu, J.P. Morris, R.R. Settgast and F.J. Ryerson.ICAT: A numerical scheme to minimize numerical diffusion in advection-dispersion modeling and its application in identifying flow channeling.Advances in Water Resources,134,103434,2019,10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103434
Hui Wu, P. Fu, X. Yang, J.P. Morris, T.C. Johnson, R.R. Settgast and F.J. Ryerson.Accurate imaging of hydraulic fractures using templated electrical resistivity tomography.Geothermics,81,74-87,2019,10.1016/j.geothermics.2019.04.004
Lin Zhang, Liming Hu and Hui Wu.Experimental study of the effects of soil pH and ionic species on the electro-osmotic consolidation of kaolin.Journal of Hazardous Materials,368,885-893,2018,10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.09.015
Hui Wu, Liming Hu and Qingbo Wen.Numerical assessment of equivalent radius for electro-kinetic geosynthetics electrodes during electro-osmotic consolidation.International Journal of Geomechanics,18,04018024,2018
Hui Wu, Wengang Qi, Liming Hu and Qingbo Wen.Electro-osmotic consolidation of soil with variable compressibility, hydraulic conductivity and electro-osmosis conductivity.Computers and Geotechnics,85,126-138