(1)新型稀土-过渡族永磁材料(2)纳米磁性材料 (3)反常温度系数磁性材料。
以稀土和或过渡族元素为主要组成的金属或氧化物材料体系,由于存在结构和磁性的多样性、f 和d电子的自旋-轨道的耦合交换作用及电子强关联性,具有强磁晶各异性、高饱和磁矩、超导、巨磁阻、磁致伸缩、磁卡效应等现象,是当前凝聚态物理研究的前沿。低维或纳米尺度的材料 (量子点、纳米线和薄膜)呈现出许多新的物理问题而有待广泛研究。我们致力于从宏观和微观角度研究这些材料的磁特征。研究新物理特性的起源。了解物性与纳米结构的关系,建立相关理论,进而控制和合成具有各种特性的材料。
【1】一种具有替代原子调制特性的电磁波吸收材料及制备方法(ZL 2016 1 1234778.4) 专利证书-1.pdf
【2】一种新型电磁波吸收材料及其制备方法 (ZL 2016 1 0685649.0)专利证书-2.pdf
【3】具有高工作频段的二维磁矩软磁复合材料及其制备方法 (ZL 2019 1 0000894.7)专利证书-3.pdf
【4】一种金属—金属氧化物纳米复合材料的制备方法 (ZL 2018 1 0058057.5)专利证书-4.pdf
【5】一种角式中子束流截止装置 (ZL 2018 2 0951938.5) 专利证书-5.pdf
【6】一种笼形球磨装置 (ZL 2018 2 0879042. 0)专利证书-6.pdf
【7】一种测量弱磁性La1-xSrxMnO3外延薄膜层状磁结构的方法 (ZL 2019 1 0437786. 6) 专利证书-7.pdf
Zhongchong Lin, Guang Tian, Pengyu Zhang, Qiwei Hu, Yuanhua Xia, Liang Qiao, Rui Wu, Mingkun Wang, Zhou Liu, Yuankang Wang, Wenyun Yang, Shunquan Liu, Dong Zhou, Rui Han, Lunhua He, Weixing Xia, Changsheng Wang, Jinbo Yang,Interstitial nitrogen-modified Y2Fe16SiNy compounds towards enhanced high-frequency magnetic properties, Acta Materialia 264 (2024) 119575.
Qifeng Hu, Yuqiang Huang, Yang Wang, Sujuan Ding, Minjie Zhang, Chenqiang Hua, Linjun Li, Xiangfan Xu, Jinbo Yang, Shengjun Yuan, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguch, Yunhao Lu, Chuanhong Jin, Dawei Wang & Yi Zheng, Ferrielectricity controlled widely-tunable magnetoelectric coupling in van der Waals Multiferroics, Nature Communications (2024) 15:3029.
Yi Wan, Mingyan Liu, Fang Li, Ziyang Qu, Yibin Zhao, Yuxuan Peng, Pan Li, Zuxin Chen,Shanbao Chen, Jinbo Yang, Chengxi Huang, and Erjun KanFerroelectric Polarization-Mediated Modulation of Optical Properties in 2D van der Waals Architectures, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2024, 10, 2300881.
Zheng, B (Zheng, Biao); Ji, XH (Ji, Xianghao); Xue, MZ (Xue, Mingzhu) ; Jia, CH (Jia, Caihong) ; Kang, CY (Kang, Chaoyang); Zhang, WF (Zhang, Weifeng) ; Yang, JB (Yang, Jinbo) ; Tian, ML (Tian, Mingliang) ; Chen, XG (Chen, Xuegang) Robust room temperature perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and anomalous Hall effect of sputtered NiCo2O4 film, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,36(27)(2024)275701,DOI10.1088/1361-648X/ad387b.
Yi Zhang; Xuegang Chen, Xianghao Ji, Heng Wang; Biao Zheng; Mingzhu Xue, Jinbo Yang, Mingliang Tian,Tunable anomalous Hall effect and Curie temperature in perpendicular magnetic anisotropic lanthanum doped NiCo2O4 film, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 091905 (2024)
Light-assisted Néel spin currents in PT -symmetric antiferromagnetic semiconductors, Shibo Fang , Baochun Wu , Qiuhui Li, Zongmeng Yang, Honglin Du, Jinbo Yang, Zhaochu Luo, and Jing Lu, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109, 085201 (2024)
Yang, J (Yang, Jie) ; Wu, BC (Wu, Baochun), Zhao, SC (Zhao, Sichun); Liu, SQ (Liu, Shiqi) ; Lu, J (Lu, Jing) ; Li, SF (Li, Shunfang) ; Yang, JB (Yang, Jinbo) , Multistate magnetic tunnel junction based on a single two-dimensional van der Waals antiferromagnet. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 22 (2024) 014017, DOI10.1103/PhysRevApplied.22.014017.
Dong Liang ; Tao Zhu; Zhuyin Shao ; Shunquan Liu; Jingzhi Han; Honglin Du ; Qing Xu;
Changsheng Wang ; Wenyun Yang ; Jinbo Yang. Study on the relationship between structure and magnetic properties of τ-phase MnAl prepared by cryo-milling, AIP Advances 14, 015227 (2024)
Leran Wang, Alejandro O. Leon, Wenqing He, Zhongyu Liang, Xiaohan Li, Xiaoxiao Fang, Wenyun Yang, Licong Peng, Jinbo Yang, Caihua Wan, Gerrit E. W. Bauer, Zhaochu Luo, Harnessing Interlayer Magnetic Coupling for Efficient, Field-Free Current-Induced Magnetization Switching in a Magnetic Insulator, Small Struct. 2024, 5, 2400006, https://doi.org/10.1002/sstr.202400006
Shiqi Yang, Xiaolong Xu, Bo Han, Pingfan Gu, Roger Guzman, Yiwen Song, Zhongchong Lin, Peng Gao, Wu Zhou, Jinbo Yang, Zuxin Chen, and Yu Ye, Controlling the 2D Magnetism of CrBr3 by van der Waals Stacking Engineering,Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023 145 (51), 28184-28190. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c10777
Yun, Chao; Liang, Zhongyu; Hrabec, Ales ; Liu, Zhentao; Huang, Mantao; Wang, Leran; Xiao, Yifei; Fang, Yikun; Li, Wei; Yang, Wenyun; et al,Electrically programmable magnetic coupling in an Ising network exploiting solid-state ionic gating, Nature Communications ( 2023), 14(1), 6367.
Wang, Tingting; Zhang, Dingyang; Yang, Shiqi; Lin, Zhongchong; Chen, Quan; Yang, Jinbo; Gong, Qihuang; Chen, Zuxin; Ye, Yu; Liu, Wenjing, Magnetically-dressed CrSBr exciton-polaritons in ultrastrong coupling regime, Nature Communications (2023), 14(1), 5966.
Hu, Changjiang; Jiang, Zhiwen ; Wu, Qunyan; Cao, Shuiyan; Li, Qiuhao; Chen, Chong; Yuan, Liyong; Wang, Yunlong ; Yang, Wenyun; Yang, Jinbo; et al, Selective CO reduction to CH OH over atomic dual-metal sites embedded in a metal-organic framework with high-energy radiation, Nature Communications ( 2023), 14(1), 4767.
Yang, Jie; Wu, Baochun; Zhou, Jun; Lu, Jing; Yang, Jinbo ; Shen, Lei, Full electrical control of multiple resistance states in van der Waals sliding multiferroic tunnel junctions, Nanoscale ( 2023), 15(39), 16103-16111.
Xiaobai Ma; Wenyun Yang; Hui Zhao; Shuai Yang; Chao Yun; Zhaochu Luo; Shunquan Liu; Jingzhi Han; Honglin Du; Qing Xu; Changsheng Wang; Kai Sun; Dongfeng Chen; Jinbo Yang, Giant exchange bias in the nanostructured MnAl thin ribbons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 012402 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0147078.
Wu, Baochun; Yang, Jie; Liu, Shiqi; Fang, Shibo; Liu, Zhou; Lin, Zhongchong; Shi, Junjie; Yang, Wenyun; Luo, Zhaochu; Wang Changsheng; et al, Layer-Dependent Magnetoresistance and Spin-Transfer Torque in MnSe2-Based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, Physical Review Applied ( 2023), 19(6), 064008.
Guo, Hao ; Zhao, Chenglong; Gao, Jianxiang; Yang, Wenyun; Hu, Xufeng; Ma, Xiaobai; Jiao, Xuesheng; Yang, Jinbo ; Sun, Kai; Chen, Dongfeng, Slight Multielement Doping-Induced Structural Order-Disorder Transition for High-Performance Layered Na-Ion Oxide Cathodes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( 2023), 15(29), 34789-34796.
Shao, Guangzheng; Kong, Weijin; Yu, Yang; Zhang, Jicheng; Yang, Wenyun; Yang, Jinbo; Li, Yanchao; Liu, Xiangfeng, Stabilizing Lattice Oxygen in a P2-Na Mn Fe O Cathode via an Integrated Strategy for High- Performance Na-Ion Batteries, Inorganic Chemistry ( 2023), 62(24), 9314-9323.
Fan, Shaohua ; Wang, Fanggui; Xia, Yuanhua; Wu, Baochun; Qian, Hui-Dong; Lin, Zhongchong ; Wang, Yuankang; Du,Honglin; Yang, Jinbo ; Yang, Yingchang, Effect of Zr substitution on the structure and magnetic properties of (Y, Zr) (Fe, Ti) compounds Materials Today Physics ( 2023), 35, 101119.
Zhang, Minjie ; Hu, Qifeng; Huang, Yuqiang; Hua, Chenqiang; Cheng, Man; Liu, Zhou; Song, Shijie; Wang, Fanggui; Lu, Hengzhe; He, Pimo; et al, Spin-Lattice Coupled Metamagnetism in Frustrated van der Waals Magnet CrOCl, Small (2023), 19(33), 2300964.
Wang, Fanggui ; Fan, Shaohua; Lin, Zhongchong; Xia, Yuanhua; Li, Hao; Yang, Wenyun; Han, Jingzhi; Du, Honglin; Yang, Jinbo; Yang, Yingchang, Study on neutron diffraction and correlated magnetic properties of (R,Zr)Fe12-xMox with low Mo concentration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds ( 2023), 952, 169960.
Zheng-Yao ; Ma, Xiaobai; Sun, Kai; Ruan, Shihao; Tian, Gengfang; Yang, Wenyun; Yang, Jinbo; Chen, Dongfeng, Enabling an Excellent Ordering-Enhanced Electrochemistry and a Highly Reversible Whole-Voltage-Range Oxygen Anionic Chemistry for Sodium-Ion Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( 2023), 15(14), 17801-17813.
Qiao, L et al., Synthesis, magnetic and electromagnetic wave absorption properties of planar anisotrop Y2Co17@SiO2 rare earth soft magnetic composites, Chin. Phys. B 32(2023) 054202.
Yong Dong, Chao An, Yongyi Wu, Zhen Zhang, Tao Li, Tai Min, Jinbo Yang, Xuegang Chen, and Mingliang Tian, Comprehensive Study of Electrode Effect in Metal/CuInP2S6/Metal Heterostructures, Symmetry 2023, 15(5), 966.
Fang, Shibo; Yang, Chen; Li, Qiuhui; Wu, Baochun; Xu, Linqiang; Liu, Shiqi; Yang, Jie; Ma, Jiachen; Dong, Jichao; Li, Ying; et al, Ferroelectric-Tunable Photoresponse in α-In2Se3 Photovoltaic Photodetectors: An Ab Initio Quantum Transport Study, Physical Review Applied ( 2023), 19(2), 024024.
Wu, Baochun; Fang, Shibo; Yang, Jie; Liu, Shiqi; Peng, Yuxuan; Li, Qiuhui; Lin, Zhongchong; Shi, Junjie; Yang, Wenyun; Luo, Zhaochu; et al, High-Performance FexGeTe2-Based (x =4 or 5) van der Waals Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, Physical Review Applied ( 2023), 19(2), 024037.
Zhang, Pengyu ; Wang, Yuankang ; Yang, Wenyun ; Yun, Chao; Li, Kewei ; Liu, Zhou ; Xian, Cong; Yuan, Tao ; Zhu, Xiaoyu ; Han, Jingzhi; et al,Tunable magnetocrystalline anisotropy and high-frequency magnetic properties of Y 2(Co17-xFex) and their composites, AIP Advances ( 2023), 13(2), 025251.
Li, Kewei; Liu, Zhou ; Wang, Yuankang ; Zhang, Pengyu; Wang, Zilong; Xian, Cong; Yang, Wenyun; Luo, Zhaochu; Liu, Shunquan; Han, Jingzhi; et al, Effect of oxidation on the microwave absorption properties of rare-earth intermetallics La2Fe4Co8B, AIP Advances ( 2023), 13(2), 025343.
Zhijie Ma, Ying Sun, Huiqing Lu, Kewen Shi, Sihao Deng, Xiuliang Yuan, Weichang Hao, Yi Du, Yuanhua Xia, Leiming Fang, Jinbo Yang, Wenyun Yang, Claire V. Colin, Huaiming Guo, Xiaobai Ma, Dongfeng Chen, and Cong Wang, Noncoplanar antiferromagnetism induced zero thermal expansion behavior in the antiperovskite Mn3Sn0.5Zn0.5Cx, Phys. Rev. B 107(2023) 094412
Wang, Yuankang; Zhang, Pengyu; Liu, Zhou; Li, Kewei ; Xian, Cong; Yang, Wenyun; Luo, Zhaochu; Liu, Shunquan; Han, Jingzhi; Du, Honglin; et al, The microwave absorption properties of soft magnetic materials in frequency up to 40 GHz, AIP Advances (2023), 13(2), 025240.
Liang, Dong ; Yang, Wenyun ; Wang, Xinan; Xu, Qing; Han, Jingzhi; Liu, Shunquan; Wang, Changsheng; Du, Honglin ; Zhu, Xiaoyu; Yuan, Tao; et al, Study of the anisotropic Sm2Fe17N3 powders with high performance, AIP Advances ( 2023), 13(2), 025104.
Liu, Zhou; Wang, Yuankang ; Xian, Cong; Li, Kewei; Wang, Fanggui; Zhang, Pengyu; Yang, Wenyun; Liu, Shunquan; Wang, Changsheng; Du, Honglin; et al, High-performance microwave absorbers using a simple double-layer absorbing structure to improve impedance mismatching, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2023), 938, 168649
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Yanxing Zhang, Wei Wang, Yudong Wang, Nengneng Xu, Guang Tian, Tolga N. V. Karsili, Jinbo Yang and Xiao Dong Zhou. Role of Pr-Vacancies and O-Interstitials on the Activity and Stability of (Pr1−xLnx)2NiO4 (Ln = La, Nd, Pm, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, and Ho) towards Oxygen Reduction Reactions: A DFT Study. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168(12): 124508(2021).
Ruge Quhe, Lin Xu, Shiqi Liu, Chen Yang, Yangyang Wang, Hong Li, Jie Yang, Qiuhui Li, Bowen Shi, Ying Li, Yuanyuan Pan, Xiaotian Sun, Jingzhen Li, Mouyi Weng, Han Zhang, Ying Guo, Linqiang Xu, Hao Tang, Jichao Dong, Jinbo Yang, Zhiyong Zhang, Ming Lei, Feng Pan and Jing Lu. Sub-10 nm two-dimensional transistors: Theory and experiment. Physics Reports 938: 1-72(2021).
Weijin Kong, Jicheng Zhang, Deniz Wong, Wenyun Yang, Jinbo Yang, Christian Schulz and Xiangfeng Liu. Tailoring Co3d and O2p Band Centers to Inhibit Oxygen Escape for Stable 4.6 V LiCoO2 Cathodes. Angewandte Chemie 60: 27102-27112(2021).
Yuxuan Peng, Zhongchong Lin, Guang Tian, Jie Yang, Peijie Zhang, Fanggui Wang, Pingfan Gu, Xingyu Liu, Chin-Wei Wang, Maxim Avdeev, Fuyang Liu, Dong Zhou, Rui Han, Peng Shen, Wenyun Yang, Shunquan Liu, Yu Ye and Jinbo Yang. Controlling Spin Orientation and Metamagnetic Transitions in Anisotropic van der Waals Antiferromagnet CrPS4 by Hydrostatic Pressure. Advanced Functional Materials 2106592(2021).
Qiang Li, Jie Yang, Qiuhui Li, Shiqi Liu, Linqiang Xu, Chen Yang, Lin Xu, Ying Li, Xiaotian Sun, Jinbo Yang and Jing Lu. Sub-5 nm Gate Length Monolayer MoTe2 Transistors. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (35): 19394-19404(2021).
Bowen Shi, Hao Tang, Zhigang Song, Jingzhen Li, Lianqiang Xu, Shiqi Liu, Jie Yang, Xiaotian Sun, Ruge Quhe, Jinbo Yang and Jing Lu. Phase transition and topological transistors based on monolayer Na3Bi nanoribbons. Nanoscale 13(35): 15048-15057 (2021).
Jie Yang, Shibo Fang, Yuxuan Peng, Shiqi Liu, Baochun Wu, Ruge Quhe, Shilei Ding, Chen Yang, Jiachen Ma, Bowen Shi, Linqiang Xu, Xiaotian Sun, Guang Tian, Changsheng Wang, Junjie Shi, Jing Lu and Jinbo Yang. Layer-Dependent Giant Magnetoresistance in Two-Dimensional CrPS4 Magnetic Tunnel Junctions. Phys. Rev. Applied 16: 024011(2021).
C. S. Kim, S. L. Ding, Y. J. O., L. Zha, C. Yun, W. Y. Yang, J. Z. Han, S. Q. Liu, H. L. Du, C. S. Wang and J. B. Yang. Micromagnetic study for optimum performance of isotropic Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposite bulk magnets. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54(24): 245003(2021).
Jiachen Ma, Chen Yang, Xinjie Ma, Shiqi Liu, Jie Yang, Linqiang Xu, Jingsong Gao, Ruge Quhe, Xiaotian Sun, Jinbo Yang, Feng Pan, Xiaoyu Yang and Jing Lu. Improvement of alkali metal ion batteries via interlayer engineering of anodes: from graphite to graphene. Nanoscale 13(29): 12521-12533(2021).
C. S. Kim, S. L. Ding, Y. J. O, L. Zha, C. Yun, W. Y. Yang, J. Z. Han, S. Q. Liu, H. L. Du, C. S. Wang, and J. B. Yang. Micromagnetic study for optimum performance of isotropic Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposite bulk magnets. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54(24): 245003(2021).
Liang Zha, Cholsong Kim, Chao Yun, Dong Zhou, Wei Li, Xiangdong Kong, Li Han, Wenyun Yang, Shunquan Liu, Jingzhi Han, Changsheng Wang, Honglin Du, Weixing Xia, Alberto Bollero and Jinbo Yang. A novel strategy for the fabrication of high-performance nanostructured Ce-Fe-B magnetic materials via electron-beam exposure. Science China Materials 64: 2519–2529 (2021).
Yangyang Wang, Shiqi Liu, Qiuhui Li, Ruge Quhe, Chen Yang, Ying Guo, Xiuying Zhang, Yuanyuan Pan, Jingzhen Li, Han Zhang Lin Xu, Bowen Shi, Hao Tang, Ying Li, Jinbo Yang, Zhiyong Zhang, Lin Xiao, Feng Pan and Jing Lu. Schottky barrier heights in two-dimensional field-effect transistors: from theory to experiment. Reports on Progress in Physics 84: 056501(2021).
Rui Wu, Di Zhang, Tuhin Maity, Ping Lu, Jie Yang, Xingyao Gao, Shishun Zhao, Xiucheng Wei, Hao Zeng, Ahmed Kursumovic, Guang Tian, Weiwei Li, Chao Yun, Yongqiang Wang, Zengyao Ren, Ziyao Zhou, Ming Liu , Kelvin H. L. Zhang, Quanxi Jia, Jinbo Yang, Haiyan Wang and Judith L. MacManus-Driscoll. Self-biased magnetoelectric switching at room temperature in three-phase ferroelectric-antiferromagnetic-ferrimagnetic nanocomposites, Nature Electronics 4(5): 333-341(2021).
Zhenrui Li, Weijin Kong, Yang Yu, Wenyun Yang, Jinbo Yang and Xiangfeng Liu. Simultaneously Enhancing Structural Stability and Cationic Redox in Na0.67Mn0.75Fe0.25O2 through a Synergy of Multisite Substitution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125(15): 8105–8115(2021).
C.S. Kim, L. Zha, M.N. Li, W.Y. Yang, J.Z. Han, S.Q. Liu, H.L. Du, C. S. Wang and J.B. Yang. Micromagnetic simulation for optimizing nanocomposite Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe permanent magnets by changing grain size and volume fraction. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 523: 167622(2021).
Shilei Ding, Zhongyu Liang, Jie Yang, Chao Yun, Peijie Zhang, Zefang Li, Mingzhu Xue, Zhou Liu, Guang Tian, Fuyang Liu, Wenhong Wang, Wenyun Yang and Jinbo Yang. Ferromagnetism in two-dimensional Fe3GeTe2; Tunability by hydrostatic pressure. Physical Review B 103(9): 094429(2021).
Shiqi Liu, Jie Yang, Lin Xu, Jingzhen Li, Chen Yang, Ying Li, Bowen Shi, Yuanyuan Pan, Linqiang Xu, Jiachen Ma, Jinbo Yang and Jing Lu. Can ultra-thin Si FinFETs work well in the sub-10 nm gate-length region? Nanoscale 13: 5536-5544(2021).
C. S. Kim, S. L. Ding, J. H. Kim, C. Yun, W. Y. Yang, J. Z. Han, S. Q. Liu, H. L. Du, C. S. Wang and J. B. Yang. Micromagnetic study of sphericity effect in bulk permanent magnets. Journal of Applied Physics 129: 093901 (2021).
D. Liang, Y.B. Yang, W.Y. Yang, C.Y. Zhu, J.L. Zhu, H. Xu, S.C. Vogel, O. Gourdon, R.Q. Zou, G. Tian, C.S. Wang, H.L. Du, J.B. Yang. Tunable structural and magnetic properties of NiAs-type MnxSb (1.00≤ x≤ 1.30) compounds. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 856: 158184(2021).
Weijin Kong, Dong Zhou, De Ning, Wenyun Yang, Deniz Wong, Jicheng Zhang, Qingyuan Li, Jinbo Yang, Christian Schulz and Xiangfeng Liu. Unraveling the Distinct Roles of Mg Occupation on Li or Co Sites on High-Voltage LiCoO2. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168(3): 030528(2021).
Chao Yun, Weiwei Li, Xingyao Gao, Hongyi Dou, Tuhin Maity, Xing Sun, Rui Wu, Yuxuan Peng, Jinbo Yang, Haiyan Wang and Judith L. MacManus-Driscoll. Creating Ferromagnetic Insulating La0.9Ba0.1MnO3 Thin Films by Tuning Lateral Coherence Length. ACS applied materials & interfaces 13(7): 8863-8870(2021).
Yanan Yu, Weijin Kong, Wenyun Yang, Jinbo Yang, Yujun Chai and Xiangfeng Liu. Lattice Modulation by Ca/P Dual-Doping for Fast and Stable Li+ Intercalation/Extraction in High-Voltage LiCoO2. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125(4): 2364-2372(2021).
Wenshan Hong, Lu Liu, Chang Liu, Xiaoyan Ma, Akihiro Koda, Xin Li, Jianming Song, Wenyun Yang, Jinbo Yang, Peng Cheng, Hongxia Zhang, Wei Bao, Xiaobai Ma, Dongfeng Chen, Kai Sun, Wenan Guo, Huiqian Luo, Anders W. Sandvik and Shiliang Li. Extreme Suppression of Antiferromagnetic Order and Critical Scaling in a Two-Dimensional Random Quantum Magnet. Physical Review Letters 126(3): 037201(2021).
Qiuhui Li,Lin, Xu,Shiqi Liu, Jie Yang, Shibo Fang, Ying Li, Jiachen Ma, Zhiyong Zhang, Ruge Quhe, Jinbo Yang and Jing Lu. Bilayer Tellurene: A Potential p-Type Channel Material for Sub-10 nm Transistors. Advanced Theory and Simulations 4(2): 2000252(2021).
Yuankang Wang, Zhou Liu, Pengyu Zhang, Kunting Cai, Wenyun Yang, Jingzhi Han, Shunquan Liu, Changsheng Wang, Ruqiang Zou and Jinbo Yang. The microwave absorption properties of Y2Fe16Si@MOF and Y2Fe16Si@GO composites. AIP Advances 11(1): 015237(2021).
Xiongzuo Zhang, Jingzhi Han, Pengfei Liu, Shunquan Liu, Changsheng Wang, Xin Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Qing Xu, Yingchang Yang and Jinbo Yang. Study on structure and magnetic properties of Y2(Fe, Co)14B melt-spun ribbons. AIP Advances 11(1): 015104(2021).
Mingzhu Xue, Xuegang Chen, Shilei Ding, Zhongyu Liang, Yuxuan Peng, Xin Li, Liang Zha, Wenyun Yang, Jingzhi Han, Shunquan Liu, Honglin Du, Changsheng Wang and Jinbo Yang. Transport Anomaly in Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropic NiCo2O4 Thin Films with Column-like Phase Separation. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2(12): 3964-3970(2020).
Zhou Liua, Wenyun Yanga, Rui Wue, Qiwei Hu, Guanyi Qiao, Shunquan Liu, Jingzhi Han, Changsheng Wang, Honglin Du and Jinbo Yang. A new quantitative analysis method for electromagnetic energy dissipation in microwave absorption materials. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 516: 167332(2020).
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Yang, Jie; Quhe, Ruge; Liu, Shiqi; Peng, Yuxuan; Sun, Xiaotian; Zha, Liang; Wu, Baochun; Shi, Bowen; Yang, Chen; Shi, Junjie; Tian, Guang; Wang, Changsheng; Lu, Jing; Yang, Jinbo, Gate-tunable high magnetoresistance in monolayer Fe3GeTe2 spin valves,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2020).
Li, Jingzhen; Tritsaris, Georgios A.; Zhang, Xiuying; Shi, Bowen; Yang, Chen; Liu, Shiqi; Yang, Jie; Xu, Linqiang; Yang, Jinbo; Pan, Feng; et al Monolayer honeycomb borophene: a promising anode material with a record capacity for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries, Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2020), 167(9), 90527.
Lin, Zhongchong; Zha, Liang; Wang, Fanggui; Liu, Zhou; Wu, Rui; Yang, Jie; Xue, Mingzhu; Yang, Wenyun; Tian, Guang; Ma, Xiaobai; et al, Effect of Ce substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of Nd2Fe14B. Acta Materialia (2020), 200, 502-509.
Liu, Zhou; Yang, Wenyun; Wu, Rui; Hu, Qiwei; Qiao, Guanyi; Liu, Shunquan; Han, Jingzhi; Wang, Changsheng; Du, Honglin; Yang, Jinbo, A new quantitative analysis method for electromagnetic energy dissipation in microwave absorption materials, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2020), 516, 167332.
Zha, Liang;Lin, Zhongchong;Wang, Fanggui; Liu, Zhou; Xue, Mingzhu;Yang, Jie;Yang, Wenyun; Tian, Guang; Han, Jingzhi;Wang, Changsheng;Du, Honglin;Yang, Yingchang;Yang, Jinbo;Interstitial nitrogen Atomic effect on the magnetic properties of Nd2Fe14B compound, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS,514 (2020)167128.
Ding, Shilei,Peng, Yuxuan,Xue, Mingzhu,Liu, Zhou,Liang, Zhongyu,Yang, Wenyun,Sun, Yunbin, Zhao, Jianjun, Wang, Changsheng, Liu, Shunquan, Han, Jingzhi, Yang, Jinbo; Magnetic phase diagram of CrPS(4)and its exchange interaction in contact with NiFe, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 32,(2020) 405804.
Wen, Xin; Wu, Rui; Yang, Wen-Yun; Wang, Chang-Sheng; Liu, Shun-Quan; Han, Jing-Zhi; Yang, Jin-Bo, Room-temperature electric control of exchange bias effect in CoO1-delta/Co films using Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)(0.7)Ti0.3O3(110) substrates, CHINESE PHYSICS B 29(2020)098503.
Wen, Xin; Song, Zhigang; Malik, Iftikhar Ahmed; Fang, Yifei; Yang, Wenyun; Han, Jingzhi; Liu, Shunquan; Du, Honglin; Cao, Shixun; Zhang, Jinxing; Zhang, Xiangqun; Cheng, Zhaohua; Hou, Yanglong; Yang, Jinbo, Spin quantum well-like behavior in single-crystal Gd0.75La0.25FeO3; SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS, DI 10.1007/s40843-020-1439-y.
Liu, Haining; Wang, Xinsheng; Wu, Juanxia; Chen, Yuansha; Wan, Jing; Wen, Rui; Yang, Jinbo; Liu, Ying; Song, Zhigang; Xie, Liming; Vapor Deposition of Magnetic Van der Waals NiI2 Crystals, ACS NANO 14(2020)10544.
Zha, Liang; Han, Yuyan; Pi, Li; Luo, Yang; Yu, Dunbo; Han, Li; Xu, Junjie; Yang, Wenyun; Liu, Shunquan; Han, Jingzhi; Wang, Changsheng; Du, Honglin; Yang, Yingchang; Hou, Yanglong; Liu, Ping; Xia, Weixing; Yang, Jinbo; Growth of quasi-texture in nanostructured magnets with ultra-high coercivity, ACTA MATERIALIA, 195(2020)282.
Peng, Yuxuan; Cheng, Xing; Gu, Pingfan; Wang, Fanggui; Yang, Jie; Xue, Mingzhu; Yang, Wenyun; Wang, Changsheng; Liu, Shunquan; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Ye, Yu; Yang, Jinbo; A Quaternary van der Waals Ferromagnetic Semiconductor AgVP2Se6, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 30(2020)1910036.
Wang, Zhenya; Yang, Wenyun; Yang, Jinbo; Zheng, Lirong; Sun, Kai; Chen, Dongfeng; Sun, Limei; Liu, Xiangfeng; Tuning the crystal and electronic structure of Li4Ti5O12 via Mg/La Co-doping for fast and stable lithium storage; CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 46(2020)12965.
Xu, Jiawang; Zheng, Xinqi; Yang, Shuxian; Xi, Lei; Wang, Shouguo; Zhang, Lei; Yang, Wenyun; Yang, Jinbo; Ma, Xiaobai Chen, Dongfeng; He, Lunhua; Deng, Sihao; Zhang, Jingyan; Wu, Yanfei; Shen, Baogen; Large Linear Negative Thermal Expansion in NiAs-type Magnetic Intermetallic Cr-Te-Se Compounds, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 59(2020)8603.
Peng, Yuxuan; Ding, Shilei; Cheng, Man; Hu, Qifeng; Yang, Jie; Wang, Fanggui; Xue, Mingzhu; Liu, Zhou; Lin, Zhongchong; Avdeev, Maxim; Hou, Yanglong; Yang, Wenyun; Zheng, Yi; Yang, Jinbo, Magnetic Structure and Metamagnetic Transitions in the van der Waals Antiferromagnet CrPS4, ADVANCED MATERIALS 32(2020)2001200.
Qiao, Guanyi; Hu, Qiwei; Zhang, Pengyu; Yang, Wenyun; Liu, Zhou; Liu, Shunquan; Wang, Changsheng; Yang, Jinbo; The effect of samarium substitution on magnetic properties and microwave absorption of the rare earth-iron-boron compounds and composites, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 825(2020)154179.
Wan, Yi; Xue, Mingzhu; Cheng, Xing; Peng, Yuxuan; Li, Pan; Yang, Shiqi; Liu, Mingyan; Kan, Erjun; Yang, Jinbo; Dai, Lun, Surface-sensitive magnetic characterization technique for ultrathin ferromagnetic film with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, AIP ADVANCES 10(2020).
Zhang, Xiongzuo; Li, Lei; Han, Jingzhi; Peng, Yuxuan; Li, Xin; Zhang, Yinfeng; Li, Zhichao; Liu, Shunquan; Yang, Wenyun; Wang, Changsheng; et al, Structure and magnetic properties of Mn-doped Al foil and Bi flake by inductively coupled plasma ion doping at low temperature, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2020), 502, 166523.
Zhai, Yanwu; Yang, Wenyun; Ning, De; Yang, Jinbo; Sun, Limei; Schuck, Goetz; Schumacher, Gerhard; Liu, Xiangfeng, Improving the cycling and air-storage stability of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 through integrated surface/interface/doping engineering, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 8(2020)5234.
Xue, Mingzhu; Ding, Shilei; Lai, Youfang; Li, Xin; Zha, Liang; Peng, Yuxuan; Liang, Zhongyu; Yang, Wenyun; Men, Yong; Kong, Xiangdong; et al, Exchange Bias Effect in Epitaxial LaMnO3+δ Film Induced by Electron Beam Irradiation, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2020), 7(2), 1901296.
Hu, Qiwei; Qiao, Guanyi; Yang, Wenyun; Liu, Zhou; Zhang, Pengyu; Liu, Shunquan; Wang, Changsheng; Zhou, Dong; Han, Rui, Cai, Daoyan; Hu, Bopin; Yang, Jinbo; Microwave absorbing properties of Y2Fe16Si micropowders with broad bandwidth and strong absorption, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 53(2020)115001.
Qiu, Yunsheng; Gao, Rui; Yang, Wenyun; Huang, Li; Mao, Qianjiang, Yang, Jinbo, Sun, Limei, Hu, Zhongbo, Liu, Xiangfeng, Understanding the Enhancement Mechanism of A-Site-Deficient LaxNiO3 as an Oxygen Redox Catalyst, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, VL 32(2020), 1864-1875, DI 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b04287.
Yang, Jinbo, Han, Jingzhi, Tian, Haidong, Zha, Liang, Zhang, Xiongzuo, Kim, Chol Song, Liang, Dong, Yang, Wenyun, Liu, Shunquan, Wang, Changsheng, Structural and Magnetic Properties of Nanocomposite Nd-Fe-B Prepared by Rapid Thermal Processing, ENGINEERING, VL 6(2020), 132-140, DI 10.1016/j.eng.2019.12.008.
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Wu, Rui; Xue, Mingzhu; Maity, Tuhin; Peng, Yuxuan; Giri, Samir Kumar; Tian, Guang; MacManus-Driscoll, Judith L.; Yang, Jinbo, Influence of atomic roughness at the uncompensated Fe/CoO(111) interface on the exchange-bias effect, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, VL 101(2020), 014425.
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Ruge Quhe, Xiyou Peng, Yuanyuan Pan, Meng Ye, Yangyang Wang, Han Zhang, Han; Shenyan Feng, Qiaoxuan Zhang, Junjie Shi, Jinbo Yang, Dapeng Yu, Ming Lei, Jing Lu, Can a Black Phosphorus Schottky Barrier Transistor Be Good Enough? ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 9(4) (2017) 3959-3966.
Haidong Tian, Yinfeng Zhang, Jingzhi Han, Zhuang Xu, Xiaodong Zhang, Shunquan Liu, Changsheng Wang, Yingchang Yang, Li Han and Jinbo Yang, Synergetic crystallization in a Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe, nanocomposite under electron beam exposure conditions, Nanoscale, 2016,8, 18221-18227, DOI: 10.1039/C6NR06884G.
Jianbo Fu, Muxin Hua, Shilei Ding, Xuegang Chen, Rui Wu, Shunquan Liu, Jingzhi Han, Changsheng Wang, Honglin Du, Yingchang Yang & Jinbo Yang, Stability and its mechanism in Ag/CoOx/Ag interface-type resistive switching device,. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6(2016)35630 DOI: 10.1038/srep35630.
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R. Wu, C. Yun, S. L. Ding, X. Wen, S. Q. Liu, C. S. Wang, J. Z. Han, H. L. Du and J. B. Yang, A separation of antiferromagnetic spin motion modes in the training effect of exchange biased Co/CoO film with in-plane anisotropy, J. Appl. Phys. 120, 053902 (2016).
Han Zhang, Meng Ye, Yangyang Wang, Ruge Quhe, Yuanyuan Pan,Ying Guo, Zhigang Song, Jinbo Yang, Wanlin Guo and Jing Lu, Magnetoresistance in Co/2D MoS2/Co and Ni/2D MoS2/Ni junctions, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 2016, 18, 16367.
Yuanyuan Pan, Sibai Li, Meng Ye, Ruge Quhe, Zhigang Song, Yangyang Wang, Jiaxin Zheng, Feng Pan, Wanlin Guo, Jinbo Yang, and Jing Lu, Interfacial Properties of Monolayer MoSe2–Metal Contacts, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 120 (24), pp 13063–13070.
Emir Dogdibegovic, Qingsheng Cai, William J. James, William B. Yelon, Harlan U. Anderson, Jin-Bo Yang, and Xiao-Dong Zhou, Coupling Between Magnetic Exchange and Charge Activation in Cu-Doped LaFeO3, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 99 [6] 2035–2039 (2016).
Pan, Yuanyuan; Wang, Yangyang; Ye, Meng; Quhe, Ruge; Zhong, Hongxia; Song, Zhigang; Peng, Xiyou; Yu, Dapeng; Yang, Jinbo; Shi, Junjie; et al, Monolayer Phosphorene-Metal Contacts, Chemistry of Materials (2016), 28(7) 2100-2109,DOI:10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b04899.
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Zhigang Song, Cheng-Cheng Liu, Jinbo Yang*, Jingzhi Han, Meng Ye, Botao Fu, Yingchang Yang, Qian Niu, Jing Lu, and Yugui Yao, Quantum spin Hall insulators and quantum valley Hall insulators of BiX/SbX (X = H, F, Cl and Br) monolayers with a record bulk band gap, NPG Asia Materials, 6, e147, 2014.
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Cheng-Cheng Liu, Shan Guan, Zhigang Song, Shengyuan A. Yang, Jinbo Yang, and Yugui Yao, Low-energy effective Hamiltonian for giant-gap quantum spin Hall insulators in honeycomb-hydride/halide (X=N–Bi) monolayers, Phys. Rev. B, 90 085431(2014).
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Xing, Meiying; Han, Jingzhi; Lin, Zhong; Wan, FangMing; Li, Chan; Liu, Shunquan; Wang, Changsheng; Yang,Jinbo; Yang, Yingchang ,Anisotropic ternary Ce13Fe80B7 powders prepared by hydrogenation-disproportionation-desorption-recombination process and the diffusion of Ce-Cu eutectic alloys ,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 331, pp 140-143(2013).
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Xing, Meiying; Han, Jingzhi; Lin, Zhong; Wan, Fangming; Liu, Shunquan; Wang, Changsheng; Xu, Qing; Yang,Jinbo; Yang, Yingchang ,Self-organized nanorods in disproportionated Sm2Fe17 and NdFe10.5Mo1.5 alloys,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 326卷, pp 201-204(2013).
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Chen, X. G.; Fu, J. B.; Yun, C.; Yang, Y. B.; Liu, S. Q.; Wang, C. S.; Du, H. L.; Han, J. Z.; Yang, Y. C.; Yang, J. B., J The manipulation of magnetic properties by resistive switching effect in CeO2/La0.7(Sr0.1Ca0.9)0.3MnO3 system, Journal of Applied Physics (2013), 113(17), 17C708/1-17C708/3.
Creel, Thomas F.; Yang, Jinbo; Kahveci, Mehmet; Malik, Satish K.; Quezado, S.; Pringle, O.A.; Yelon, William B.; James, William J. ,Structural and magnetic properties of La0.7Sr 0.3Mn1-xNixO3 (x &le 0.4),Journal of Applied Physics, 114(1), pp 013911/1-013911/7(2013).
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M. S. Kim, J. B. Yang, Q. Cai, W. J. James, W. B. Yelon, P. E. Parris, and S. K. Malik, “Structural, magnetic, and transport properties of Zr-substituted La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 ” J. Appl. Phys. 102 (2007) 013531.
S.Q. Liu, J.Z Han, H.L. Du, C.S. Wang, Y.C. Yang, J.B. Yang, H. Chang, “ High energy product in mechanically alloyed ThMn12-type compound with exchange coupling effect.” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 312(2)(2007) 449.
S.T. Reis, A. Mogus-Milankovic, V. Licina, J.B. Yang, M. Karabulut, D.E. Day, and R.K. Brow, “ Iron redox equilibrium, structure and properties of zinc iron phosphate glasses”, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 353(2007)151.
J.B. Yang, J. Lamsal, Q. Cai, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, “Study of the crystal structure and phase transition of Li2NH system”, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2008), 1098E(Hydrogen Economy), Paper #: 1098-HH03-06
C.S. Ray, S.T. Reis, W.M. Pontuschka, J.B. Yang, F.F. Sene, J.M. Giehl, C.W.Kim and S. Sen, “Mossbauer and EPR spectra for Glasses and glass-ceramics prepared from simulated compositions of Lunar and Martian soils”, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 352(2006)3677.
J.B. Yang, X. Wang, Q. Cai, W.B. Yelon, and W.J. James, “Crystal and Electronic Structures of Li-N-H and Related Hydrides”, MRS 2006 Fall Meeting Symposium Z Proceedings, Boston, Nov 27-Dec. 2, 2006.
W. B. Yelon, W. J. James, J. Yang, Q. Cai, “In-situ neutron diffraction studies of chemical hydrides.” Preprints of Symposia - American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry 51(2) (2006)473.
J.B. Yang, Q. Cai, X.D. Zhou, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, and H.U. Anderson, "Crystal and electronic structures of LiNH2", Appl. Phys. Lett. 88(2006) 041914.
J.B. Yang, H. Xu, S.X. You, X.D. Zhou, C.S. Wang, W.B. Yelon, and W.J. James, "Large scale growth and magnetic properties of Fe and Fe3O4 nanowires", J. Appl. Phys. 99(2006) 08Q507/1-3.
X.-D. Zhou, J. B Yang, E.-C Thomsen, Q. Cai, B. J. Scarfino, Z. Nie, G. W. Coffey, W. J. James, W. B. Yelon, H. U. Anderson, L. R Pederson, Electrical, thermoelectric, and structural properties of La(MnxFe1-x)O3 (M = Mn, Ni, Cu). Journal of the Electrochemical Society 153(12), (2006) J133.
X.-D. Zhou, L. R Pederson, Q. Cai, J. Yang, B. J. Scarfino, M. Kim, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, H. U. Anderson, C. Wang, Structural and magnetic properties of of LaMn1-xFexO3 (0<x<1.0), J. Appl. Phys. 99(2006) 08M918/1.
M.S. Kim, J.B. Yang, Q. Cai, X.D. Zhou, W.J. James, W.B. Yelon, P.E. Parris, D. Buddhikot, and S.K. Malik, “Structural, magnetic, and transport properties of Ti-substituted La0.7S0.3MnO3”, Phys. Rev. B, 71(1) (2005)014433/1.
J.B. Yang, S.K. Malik, X.D. Zhou, M.S. Kim, W.B. Yelon, W. J. James and H.U. Anderson, “Magnetic and transport properties of nanocomposite Fe/Fe3-O4 and Fe3-O4 films prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, J. Phys.: D Appl. Phys., 38 (2005)1215.
J.B. Yang, M.S. Kim, Q. Cai, X.D. Zhou, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, and H.U. Anderson, "Study of the electronic structure of CaFeO3", J. Appl. Phys. 97 (2005) 10A312.
H.L. Du, B.P. Cheng, J.Z. Han, S.Q. Liu, J.B. Yang, Y.C. Yang, Y. Xue, Bo Chen, G. Sun, “Thermal expansion anomalies of R(Fe,M)12 (R = Y, Nd; M = Mo and Si)”. J. Appl. Phys. 97(2005)10A505/1.
M.S. Kim, J.B. Yang, Q. Cai, X.D. Zhou, W.J. James, W.B. Yelon, P.E. Parris, D. Buddhikot, and S.K. Malik, “The effect of Cu-doping on the magnetic and transport properties of La0.7S0.3MnO3”, J. Appl. Phys. 97(2005) 10H714.
X.-D. Zhou, J.B. Yang, Q. Cai, M. Kim, W.B. Yelon, W. J. James and H. U. Anderson, “Role of Oxygen Deficiency on Electrical and Magnetic Properties of (La,Sr)FeO3-δ by in Situ Studies” J. Appl. Phys. 97 (2005) 10C314.
Jing-zhi Han, Shun-quan Liu, Hong-lin Du, Jin-bo Yang, Ying-chang Yang, “Anisotropic ternary Pr13Fe80B7 powders prepared by HDDR process”, J. Appl. Phys. 97, (2005) 10F305.
R. Nirmala, V. Sankaranarayanan, K. Sethupathi, A.V. Morozkin, Q. Cai, Q. Z. Chu, J.B. Yang, W.B. Yelon, S.K. Malik “Magnetization and neutron diffraction studies on Dy5Si2Ge2.” J. Appl. Phys., 97 (2005) 10M314.
J.B. Yang, X.D. Zhou, W.J. James, S.K. Malik, C.S Wang, “Growth and magnetic properties of MnO2-δ nanowire microspheres”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85(15), (2004) 3160.
J.B. Yang, XD. Zhou, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, Q. Cai, K.V. Gopalakrishnan, S.K. Malik, X.C. Sun, D.E. Nikles, “Magnetic and structural studies of the Verwey transition in Fe3-O4 nanoparticles”, J. Appl. Phys. 95 (2004)7540.
X.-D Zhou, Q. Cai, J.B. Yang, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, and H.U. Anderson, “Utilization of neutron diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy in the studies of the cathode for SOFCs”, Solid State Ionics 175(1-4) (2004)83.
W.B. Yelon, Q. Cai, W.J. James, H.U. Anderson, J.B. Yang, X.D. Zhou, and H.A. Blackstead, “Neutron diffraction studies of magnetic and superconducting compounds”, Phys. Status Solidi (a) 201 (2004) 1428.
K. Kamaraju, J.B. Yang, W.B. Yelon, O. A. Pringle, M. Kim, W. J. James, Q. Cai, “Study of structural and magnetic properties of iron-rich mixed rare-earth NdDyFe(17-y-x)CoxSiy compounds”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 40(2004) 2910.
J. Han, G. k. Marasinghe, J.B. Yang, W.J. James, M. Chen, W.B. Yelon, Ph. l'Heritier, I. Dubenko, N. Ali, “Magnetic and crystallographic properties of NdMn6-xFexSn6 intermetallics”, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 16(30)(2004) 5407.
J.B Yang, X.D. Zhou, Z. Chu, W. Hikal, Q. Cai, J. Ho, D. Kundaliya, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, H.U. Anderson, H.H. Hamdeh, and S.K. Malik, “Charge disproportionation and ordering in La1/3Sr2/3FeO3”, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 15 (2003) 5093.
Tadeu dos Reis, Signo, Walter M. Pontuschka, J.B. Yang, L.A. Dalva, “Properties and structural features of iron doped BABAL glasses”, Materials Research (Sao Carlos, Brazil) 6 (2003) 389.
X.D. Zhou, Z. Chu, J. Yang, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, H.U. Anderson, “Evaluation of ferrites for the membrane”, Preprints of Symposia - American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, 48, (2003) 485; X.D. Zhou, Z. Chu, J.B. Yang, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, H.U. Anderson, “Evaluation of ferrites for the membrane applications”. Abstracts of Papers, 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States, March 23-27, 2003.
K. Kamaraju, J.B. Yang, W.B. Yelon, O.A. Pringle, W.J. James, C. Cai, Z. Chu, and P.I. Heritier, “Magnetic properties of iron rich NdDyFe17-xSix mixed rare earth system”, J. Appl. Phys. 93 (2003)6936.
J.B. Yang, X.D. Zhou Y.X. Xie, W.J. James, W.B. Yelon, H.U. Anderson, Z. Chu, W.M. Hikal, J. Ho, H.H. Hamdeh, “Mössbauer studies on La0.6Sr0.4FeO3 perovskite”, Rare Earth Magnets and Their Applications, Proceedings of the International Workshop, 17th, Newark, DE, United States, Aug. 18-22, (2002) pp247-252.
J.B. Yang, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, Y. Xie X.D. Zhou, H.U. Anderson and Z. Chu, “Crystal structure, magnetic and Mössbauer studies of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-”, Phys. Rev. B 66 (2002)184415.
J.B. Yang, W.J. James, W.B. Yelon , Q. Cai, D. Eckert, A. Handstein, K. H. Muller, and Y.C. Yang, “Structures and magnetism of RFexMn12-x(R=Y,Ho)”, Phys. Rev. B 65 (2002)064444-1-8.
J.B. Yang, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, Q. Cai, M. Kornecki, S. Roy, N. Ali, and Ph. L’Heritier, “Crystal structure, magnetic properties and electronic structures of the MnBi intermetallics compounds”, J. Phys: Condens. Matter 14(25)(2002) 6509.
W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, J.B. Yang, K. Kamaraju, Q. Cai, Z. Chu, and S.K. Malik, “Observation of novel disordered rhombohedral R2Fe17 (R=rare-earth) based compounds,” J. Appl. Phys. 91 (2002) 8486.
S.K. Malik, Z. Chu, A.G. Joshi, J.B. Yang, W.B. Yelon, Q. Cai, W.J. James, and K. Kamaraju, “Magnetic and neutron diffraction studies on PrMnSb2”, J. Appl. Phys. 91 (2002) 7842.
Z. Chu, W.B. Yelon, J.B. Yang, W.J. James, H.A. Anderson, Y.X. Xie and S.K. Malik, “Effect of oxygen vacancies on the magnetic structure of the La0.6Sr0.4FeO3- perovskite: A Neutron Diffraction Study,” J. Appl. Phys. 91 (2002) 7938.
K. Kamaraju, J.B. Yang, W.B. Yelon, O.A. Pringle, W.J. James and Ph. L’Heritier, “Magnetic properties of Iron-rich mixed rare-earth Sm2-xTbxFe17-ySiy compounds,” J. Appl. Phys. 91 (2002) 7893.
H. Chang, X. Zhang, J.B. Yang, Y.C. Yang et al, “A Neutron diffraction and mössbauer study of NdFe9.25Si1.75Cx” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 248(2), (2002)341.
V.P.S. Awana, S. Ichihara, J. Nakamura, M. Karppinen, H. Yamauchi, J.B. Yang, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, and S.K. Malik, “Possible ordering of Ru and Cu in the charge-reservoir of magneto-superconductor RuSr2GdCu2O8 (Ru-1212). Magnetic, transport, and TEM microstructural studies”, J. Appl. Phys., 91 (2002) 8501.
W.B. Yelon, J.B. Yang, K. Kamaraju, W.J. James, Q. Cai, and Z. Chu, “Enhanced magnetic properties of disordered rhombohedral 2:17 type alloys”. Rare Earth Magnets and Their Applications, Proceedings of the International Workshop, 17th, Newark, DE, United States, Aug. 18-22, 2002, pp.253.
J.B. Yang, K. Kamraju, W.B. Yelon, W.J. James, Q. Cai, and A. Bollero, “Magnetic properties of the MnBi intermetallic compound”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79(2001) 1846.
J.B. Yang, Ph. Oleinek and K.-H. Müller, “Structure and magnetic properties of (Nd1-xDyx)2Fe14ByC1-y”, J. Alloys. Compd. 316 (2001) 290.
J.B. Yang, A. Kirchner, O. Gutfleisch, A. Handstein, D. Eckert, and K.-H. Müller, “Hard magnetic properties of R-Fe carbides”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 231 (2001) L4.
J.B. Yang, C.Y. Tai, G.K. Marasinghe, G.D. Waddill, O.A. Pringle, and W.J. James, “Electronic structures and magnetism of LaNi5-xFex”, J. Appl. Phys, 89 (2001) 7311.
K.H. Muller, D. Eckert, F. Fischer, A. Handstein, D. Hinz, R. Kratz, H. Krug, P. Oleinek, S. Siegel, P. Verges, M. Wolf, and J.B. Yang, “First-order magnetization process in Nd(Fe,M)12Zy (M=Mo, Ti, V, Z=C, N)”, Physica B, 294-295 (2001) 203-20.
J.B. Yang, C.Y. Tai, G.K. Marasinghe, G.D. Waddill, O.A. Pringle, and W.J. James, “Crystal structure, electronic structures and magnetism of LaNi5-xTx (T=Mn, Fe)”, Phys. Rev. B. 63 (2000)014407-1.
J.B. Yang, O. Gutfleisch, A. Handstein, D. Eckert, and K.-H. Müller, “High coercivity of Nd-Dy-Fe-(B,C) ribbons prepared by melt spinning”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 (2000) 3627.
J.B Yang, Ph. Oleinek, and K.-H Müller, “Hard magnetic properties of melt-spun R(Fe,M)12 nitrides (R=Nd,Pr,M=V,Mo)”, J. Appl. Phys. 88 (2000) 988.
J.B Yang, Ph. Oleinek, D. Eckert, M. Wolf, and K.-H Müller, “Effect of the interstitial carbon on the structural and magnetic properties of Nd(Fe,M)12Cx(M=Ti,V,Mo)”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 214 (2000) 44.
J.B Yang, Ph. Oleinek, and K.-H. Müller, “First order magnetic process in Nd(Fe,M)12Cx (M=Ti,V,Mo)”, J. Appl. Phys. 87 (2000) 5278.
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