
Positive-Parity Linear-Chain Molecular Band in 16C.HYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, 192501 (2020),124,192501,2020
Determination of the cluster-decay branching ratio from a near-threshold molecular state in 10Be.PHYSICAL REVIEW C,101,031304(R),2020
Quadrupole deformation of 16C studied by proton and deuteron inelastic scattering.PHYSICAL REVIEW C,101,024601,2020
Improved eikonal approach for charge exchange reactions at intermediate energies.Chinese Physics C,43,124102,2019
Spin determination from the in-plane angular correlation analysis for various coordinate systems.Chinese Physics C,43,084001,2019
Investigation of the 14C + α molecular configuration in 18O by means of transfer and sequential decay reaction.PHYSICAL REVIEW C,99,064315,2019
Enhanced monopole transition strength from the cluster decay of 13C.Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron.,012011,2019
Investigation of the thickness non-uniformity of the very thin silicon-strip detectors.Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research A,897,100–105,2018
Investigation of the thickness non-uniformity of the very thin silicon-strip detectors.Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research A,897,100-105,2018
A New Measurement of the Intruder Configuration in 12Be.Phys. Lett. B,412–416,2018