
Proposed BISOL Facility – a Conceptual Design, Yanlin Ye (for BISOL Collaboration).EPJ Web of Conferences,01005,2018
β-Decay Half-Lives of Neutron-Rich 55Cs to 67Ho: Experimental Feedback and Evaluation of the r-Process Rare-Earth Peak Formation.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,118,072701,2017
Selective decay from a candidate of the σ-bond linear-chain state in 14C.PHYSICAL REVIEW C,021303(R),2017
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Elastic scattering and breakup of 11Be on deuterons at 26.9A MeV.PHYSICAL REVIEW C,94,064620,2016
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Relativistic Coulomb excitation in 32Mg near 200 MeV/nucleon with a thick target.PHYSICAL REVIEW C,92,014608,2015
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