

Alma Mater:Peking University


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November 2021: Yu was selected as one of the ten "Xin Rui" scholars of the year of 2021.

April 2021: Xueyun Wang from Beijing Institute of Technology visited our group and gave a talk titled "Topological ferroelectric domain in hexagonal magnanites".

April 2021: Xinfeng Liu from National Center for Nanoscience and Technology visited our group and gave a talk titled "Optical properties of inorganic semiconductor materials".

January 2021: Yu received the outstanding reviewer awards 2020 for Chinese Optics.


November 2020: Xiaomu Wang from Nanjing University visited our group and gave a talk titled "Novel high-sensitivity mid-infrared photodetectors".

April 2020: Yu received the outstanding reviewer awards 2019 for 2D Materials and Journal of Semiconductors.

January 2020: Professor Sang-wook Cheong from Rutgers University visited our group and gave a talk titled "Trompe L'oeil ferromagnetism".


November 2019: Professor Xiaoze Liu from Wuhan University visited our group and gave a talk titled "Exploring the strong coupling regime in two-dimensional semiconductors".

October 2019: Professor Jianhua Zhao from Semiconductor Institute, CAS visited our group and gave a talk titled "High-quality sermiconductor spintronic".

October 2019: Professor Ziliang Ye from University of British Columbia visited our group and gave a talk titled "Optical spectroscopy and control of valley excitons in 2D semiconductors".

September 2019: Professor Cheng Song from Tsinghua University visited our group and gave a talk titled "Anti-ferromagnetic spintronics".

May 2019: Professor Kai Liu from Tsinghua University visited our lab and gave a talk about "Elastic properties ans strain-induced buckling of two-dimensional materials".

March 2019: Professor Wei Bao from University of Nebraska-Lincoln visited our lab and gave a talk about "Interacting light with semiconductor at the nanoscale".

March 2019: Yu, Pan, Haoran and Ziling attended the APS March meeting, and presented our recent works about "scaling a van der Waals quantum Hall semiconductor", "Fano resonance in two-dimensional magnetic semiconductor CrPS4", "waterproof perovskite-hexagonal boron nitride nanolaser with low lasing thresholds and high operating temperature", and "mixed-dimensional vdW heterostructure optoelectronic devices using p-MoS2 nanosheets".


December 2018: Yu won the year of Peking University P&G teacher award.

April 2018: Yu presented an invited talk of "Emerging of physical properties of single-layer transition metal dichalcogenide" at Fudan University, Shanghai.

January 2018: Yu presented an invited talk of "Desired two-dimensional materials' properties realized by designed growth" at UK-China 2D Materials Conference, Manchester.


December 2017: Yu invited Professor Yongji Gong from Beihang University give a talk of "Two-dimensional materials design, synthesis and charaterization" at "The Forum on Condensed Matter Physics, Peking Univerity".

August 2017: Professor Xingjie Ni from Pennsylvania State University visited our lab.

July 2017: Yu presented an invited talk of "Control of valley polarization of single-layer transition metal dichalcogenide through interaction with III-V crystals" at "The 3rd international symposium of flexible and stretchable electronics", Wuhan.

May 2017: Yu invited Professor Liying Jiao from Tsinghua University give a talk of "Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide synthesis and characterizations" at "The Forum on Condensed Matter Physics, Peking Univerity".

April 2017: Yu presented an invited symposium talk of "Electrical generation and control of the valley carriers in a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide" at "Intermag 2017", Dublin.

April 2017: Yu presented an invited talk of "Two-dimensional ferromagnetic van der Waals heterostructures" at "IEEE EDS Hangzhou chapter microelectronics + 2D materials workshop", Hangzhou.

April 2017: Yu attended "2017 The Forefront of Research in Nanotechnology", Xiamen.

April 2017: Yu invited Professor Jun Zhang from Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences give a talk of "Laser cooling of phonons in semiconductors" at "The Forum on Condensed Matter Physics, Peking Univerity".

March 2017: Yu helped organize the DMP 12.1.3 "Devices from 2D materials: function, fabrication and charaterization", and chaired the sessions of "2D atomic layer hetero-devices" and "Phosphorus devices and device physics" in APS March meeting, New Orleans.


November 2016: Yu presented an invited talk at "4th UESTC International Forum of Young Scholars", Chengdu.

November 2016: Yu presented an invited talk at "The 22nd young scholar academic annual conference", Beijing.

July 2016: Our recent self-assembly large-scale 2D transistors and circuits work was reported by LBL news and IEEE Spectrum.

June 2016: Yu presented an invited talk at "International symposium on devices and applications of two-dimensional materials", Shanghai.

April 2016: Our recent electrically valley generation work was reported by LBL newsNanotechweb and Materials Today.

March 2016: Yu presented the work of "Monolayer Tungsten Disulfide Laser" in APS March meeting and chaired the session of "2D Semiconductor Physics III".


December 2015: Our work of 2D semicondutor laser was selected by EDN and EE Times as one of the "Hot Technologies: Looking ahead to 2016".

November 2015: Our work was published on Nature photonics: Monolayer Excitonic layer.

October 2015: LBL news covered our recent work "Exciting Breakthrough in 2D Lasers".


July 2014: Nature Photonics highlighted our MoS2 nonlinear paper: NONLINEAR OPTICS: Second-harmonic edges.

May 2014: Science Magazine wrote pespective ariticle about our SHG paper: Nonlinear Optics Pushed to the Edge.


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