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Blade is a BLock-triAngular form improved Feynman integral DEcomposition package that uses a search algorithm to construct a system of simple relations among Feynman integrals, using input from integration-by-parts (IBP) decomposition at specific numerical phase space points over a finite field. The system usually has orders of magnitude fewer equations than traditional IBP method and exhibits a block triangular form, which leads to fast numerical evaluation and reduced resource consumption.
The search algorithm is based on the following publications:
Xiao Liu and Yan-Qing Ma. Determining arbitrary Feynman integrals by vacuum integrals. [Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 071501][arXiv: 1801.10523]
Xin Guan, Xiao Liu and Yan-Qing Ma. Complete reduction of integrals in two-loop five-light-parton scattering amplitudes. [Chin.Phys.C 44 (2020) 9, 093106][arXiv: 1912.09294]
Xin Guan, Xiao Liu, Yan-Qing Ma and Wen-Hao Wu. Blade: A package for block-triangular form improved Feynman integrals decomposition. [arXiv: 2405.14621]
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