
Basic Information

School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences
Administrative Position:Associate Professor Professional Title:Associate Professor with Tenure
Degree:Doctoral degree

Personal Information

Main positions:Associate Professor
Alma Mater:University of Colorado
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Discipline:Computational Mathematics
Structural Geology
Solid Earth Physics
Business Address:逸夫2楼3402
Contact Information:nan_zhang AT


Dr. Zhang obtained his Bachelor and Master degrees of geophysics from Peking University in 2000 and 2004. He continued his study at University of Toronto, and gained his PhD at University of Colorado in 2011. He continued his researches at Brown University and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute from 2011-2015. Since 2016, he has been appointed as an assistant professor in Peking University. He has been promoted to the Associate Professor at 2022. He is also an adjunct research fellow of Curtin University Australia. Dr. Zhang's researches focus on geodyamics, planetary sciences, two-phase flows of silicate media, and mantle-core interaction. 

Educational Experience

[1] 2006.1-2011.4
University of Colorado | Solid Earth Physics | A PhD student in graduate school | Doctoral degree
[2] 2003.9-2005.12
University of Toronto | Solid Earth Physics | Master's degree completion | Master's Degree
[3] 1996.9-2001.6
Peking University | Seismic Geology | Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) | Bachelor's Degree in Science

Work Experience

[1] 2011.5-2013.12
 Department of Geology | Brown University 
[2] 2014.1-2015.8
 Department of Geology & Geophysics | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute 
[3] 2015.10-2018.12
 Department of Applied Geology | Curtin University 

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