Admission Information:Liu's group has been long engaged in studying growth mechanism and spectral physics for low-dimensional materials and published more than 100 papers, including correspondence-authored Nature (2), Nature Nanotechnology (2), Nature Photonics (2) and so on.
Specialized Courses:全量子科学与技术
Admissions Professional Note:申请“全量子科学与技术”交叉学科研究生的同学,在网上报名时报考专业请选择物理学院“凝聚态物理”,纸质版申请表上标注报考单位为“全量子科学与技术”
Year of Admission:2022
Admission Type:Doctoral Candidate
Kaihui Liu
Gender: Male
Education Level: With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Administrative Position: Principal Investigator
Alma Mater: Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences