Wenjun Ma


Basic Information

Administrative Position:副所长 Professional Title:Professor
Degree:Doctoral degree

Personal Information

Main positions:国家重点研发计划课题负责人
Other Post:北京激光加速创新中心副主任
Alma Mater:中科院物理所
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Nuclear Technology and Applications
Other specialties in Physics
Business Address:北大技物楼激光等离子体实验室202


Wenjun Ma, a researcher and doctoral supervisor in the School of Physics, Peking University. The main research focus includes the interaction of ultra-intense laser and nano-target material, the experimental research of proton and heavy ion acceleration driven by ultra-intense laser, generation of high-brightness radiation with ultra-intense laser and nano-target material, laser ion source in tumor treatment application. So far, more than 50 papers have been published in journals such as Physical Review letters, and SCI has been cited more than 1,400 times (ORCID: fttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-8217-8301)

Educational Experience

[1] 2000.9-2004.7
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics | Applied Physics | Bachelor's Degree
[2] 2004.5-2009.5
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences | Condensed Matter Physics | Doctoral Degree

Work Experience

[1] 2015.8-Now
 Institute of Heavy Ion Physics | Peking University 
[2] 2011.1-2015.7
 School of Physics | University of Munich 
[3] 2010.1-2010.12
 Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Munich, Germany 

Research Focus

Experimental research and application of laser ion acceleration

Novel light source driven by ultra-intense laser

Key technologies of laser accelerators for medical application

Laser acceleration and laser nuclear physics research based on nano-targets

Application of Nano Target in Laser Acceleration

Research Group

Name of Research Group:Research Group of Prof. Wenjun Ma Description of Research Group:
Focus on the application of advanced nano-targets in the field of laser acceleration, laser plasma, laser nuclear physics, and medical proton accelerators.
赵家瑞 陈式有 高营 梅竹松 曹正轩 孔德峰 潘卓 刘志鹏 徐诗睿 彭梓洋 梁钰岚 许天琦 宋谭 陈讯 吴清范 张予嘉 张子豪 陈浩然 韩启航 刘璇 沈俊东 徐圣宣 Name of Research Group:Graduates Description of Research Group:
王鹏杰 寿寅任 齐贵君 刘建波

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