Personal Homepage

Personal Information:


Degree:Doctoral degree



Gender: Male

Education Level: Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Administrative Position: 长聘副教授

Alma Mater: University of Michigan

Teaching Information

Classical Optics

Course Introduction:This course will introduce classical optics from first principles at a first-year graduate level. The theory of electromagnetic, geometric, and physical optics is systematically presented, and forms the base for further study in guided wave optics, electro- and acoustic-optics, nonlinear optics, lasers, and quantum optics.
Testing Method:Homework 15%
Exam 1 40%
Exam 2 45%
Course number:Classical Optics
Course Type:Postgraduate Course
Top-Quality Courses or Not:no
Courses and reference books:R. Guenther, Modern Optics (Wiley)
M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics (Cambridge, 7th edition)
G. Booker, Modern Classical Optics (Oxford)
E. Hecht, Optics (Addison Wesley, 2nd edition)