Personal Homepage

Personal Information:


Degree:Doctoral degree



Gender: Male

Education Level: Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Administrative Position: 长聘副教授

Alma Mater: University of Michigan

Position Available

Current position: Home / Position Available

For those who are interested in joining our groups, please read the following information before sending any queries to Prof. Sun, you won't get any feedback from us if you did not follow the requirement closely as stated below.

BASIC FACTS regarding the group for students and postdocs of any levels:

•  First of all, make sure you have done good studies about our group's research before contacting me. It's not only because you are wasting my time if you don't do that before contacting us, but also it gonna waste yourself more time later on if we take you from there.

•  You may notice some students publish many papers in the group, but that doesn't mean publishing paper is easier with our research topic comparing to any other groups. There was 30-50% transfer rate of Ph.D students from my group to other groups, that's one out 2-3 students find out this is not the group for them after certain period of stay (1-2 years) in the group, most likely those who transfers leave without first-author publications, although some exceptions there.

•  We need to build our own equipment to do measurement, not using commercial ones directly, expect 1-2 years learning curve. Although you can find excellent students start to publish from their first Ph.D year historically, but that is probably not you, and they may already in the group for many years from their early undergraduate studies.

•  Please don't ask me questions like how many hours you are required to stay in the lab every week and how many vocations you can have every year. We don't have such requirements. But, if you ever think about this question, that probably means this is not the group for you. Please kindly skip us and find something else that fit you better.

Information for undergraduate students that are already admitted by ICQM for Ph.D program:

When you send me email for query, please answer the following three questions besides sending your full CV:

•  Describe my group's research within 100 words from your own understanding after browsing my group site.

•  Why you are interested in my group?

•  What make you believe you can do well in my group?

Information for undergraduate students seeking for doing undergraduate thesis

We do take PKU undergraduate students for undergraduate research, although you don't see many in the group. The minimum commitment is one year for students that will stay in ICQM for Ph.D degrees.

If you are planning to leave PKU after your bachelor degree, a minimum commitment of 18-months stay is required, we figure out that is the time to write the correct recommendation letter for undergraduate students.

In either case, we have one-month trial period before we make a decision.

Information for Ph.Ds seeking for postdoc position:

•  Normally the postdoc position in my group requires three-years commitments instead of two unless certain special situations applies.

•  Only contact me if you want to stay in academic research in the future.

•  Three reference letters are required. Please note the three letters have to be essential letters from key persons that worked closely with you before, and say essential things about you. Letters should be sent to my email directly by the referees.

•  Please clearly list your expertise from your Ph.D training.

The annual salary is 320K-380K RMB with other stardard postdoc benifits of PKU.
