
All of the videos were downloaded from internet websites, such as youtube. They were NOT made by the instructer.

1. Fluid Introduction:

Carbon Dioxide           Stunning Flow           Viscosity           Surface Tension Flows          

2. Curl and Rotation: 

Curl           Rotational and Irrotational Flow          

3. Vector and Tensor: 

What is a tensor?          

4. Reynolds Transport Theorem : 

Reynolds Transport Theorem          

5. Effects of the Coriolis Force: 

Wrong I           Wrong II           Correct I          

6. Diffusion: 

Double Diffusion 1           Double Diffusion 2          

7. Vortex: 

Vortex in the Atmosphere           Vortex in the Ocean           Vortex Ring           Saturn and Enceladus           Vortex in a Lake           Pool Vortex I           Pool Vortex II           Vortex Collision I           Vortex Collision II           Dolphin and Vortex           Rocket and Vortex           Vorticity Transport           Vortex merger           Two Vortices Interaction           Vortex Interaction           Saturn's Hexagon           Interactions of Parallel Pulsed Jets           Dacaying 2D turbulence          

8. Waves: 

Types of Waves           Standing Waves           Sound Wave           Surface gravity Wave           Atmosphere Wave           Inertial gravity Wave in the ocean           Surface Gravity Waves           Winds and Waves           Tsunami           Wave Machine Demonstration           Pool Gravity Wave          Internal Gravity Waves           Inertia-gravity Waves and Geostrophic Adjustment           Spouting Out           Group Velocity I           Group Velocity II           Group Velocity III           Group Velocity IV          

9. Convection: 

Rayleigh Benard Convection          

10. Instability: 

Kelvin Helmholtz Instability           Baroclinic Instability