Shiyong Zhou
Gender: Male
Education Level: With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Administrative Position: 教授
Alma Mater: 中国地震局地球物理研究所
Current position:
Student Information
/ Result
- Shiyong Zhou
- Gender:Male
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Alma Mater:中国地震局地球物理研究所
- Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
- Status:Employed
- School/Department:北京大学,地球与空间科学学院
- Date of Employment:2009-08-01
- Administrative Position:教授
- Discipline:Solid Earth Physics
- Business Address:理科二号楼2813S
- Contact Information:010-62758884
- E-Mail:
- Honors and Titles:
- 1997 elected: 入选中国地震局跨世纪人才工程
- 1997 elected: 中国地震局科技进步三等奖(获奖编号9712304)
- 1999 elected: 首届李善邦优秀论文奖
- 2000 elected: 博士后优秀论文三等奖
- 2005 elected: 傅承义奖
- 2005 elected: 北京大学历届优秀博士后奖