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等., QL;, Hang, YJ;, Xing, HF; and Yan.Growth of amorphous silicon nanowires via a solid-liquid-solid mechanism.CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,323(3-4),224-228 等., LQ;, Chen, XJ;, Huang, H; and Li.The crystal structural evolution of nano-Si anode caused by lithium insertion and extraction at room temperature.SOLID STATE IONICS,135( 1-4),181-191 al., et, J, Xiang, P;, Xie, HJ; and Yuan.Transport property investigation of pure and Au-doped carbon nanotubes.SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS,119(10-11),573-577 al., et, RQ, Han, XY;, Liu, JF; and Kang.Structural and electrical properties of CeO2/Si with nitrided interfacial layer by nitrogen ion beam bombardment.SOLID-STATE AND INTEGRATED-CIRCUIT TECHNOLOGY,1-2,321-324 al., et, B, Zhang, DP;, Yu, YC; and Kong.Ultraviolet-emitting ZnO nanowires synthesized by a physical vapor deposition approach.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,78(4),407-409 al., et, QL, Hang, YJ;, Xing, DP; and Yu.Controlled growth of oriented amorphous silicon nanowires via a solid-liquid-solid (SLS) mechanism.PHYSICA E,9(2),305-309 al., et, QJ, Gao, F;, YF; and Zhang.Synthesis of nano-crystalline diamond film in hot filament chemical vapour deposition by adding Ar.CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS,18(2),286-288 al., et, DP, Yu, Q;, Zhang, ZF; and Li.Interface-mediated structural evolution of immiscible Co-Cu multilayers upon solid-state reaction.PHYSICAL REVIEW B ,64(1),14102 al., et, KL, Wang, A;, Khitun, JL; and Liu.Growth of Ge quantum dot superlattices for thermoelectric applications.JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,227,1111-1115 al., et, HF, Yan, QL;, Hang, YJ; and Xing.Solid-liquid-solid (SLS) growth of coaxial nanocables silicon carbide sheathed with silicon oxide.CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,345(1-2),29-32
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