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al., et, ZX, Deng, JW;, Wang, YD; and Li.Bismuth nanotubes A rational low-temperature synthetic route.JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,123(40),9904-9905 al., et, JF, Zhou, JL;, Bubendorff, DP; and Yu.Localized cathodolurninescence investigation on single Ga2O3 nanoribbon/nanowire.SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS,124(10-11),417-421 al., et, DP, Yu, ZH;, Xi, YJ; and Xing.Growth of silicon nanowires by heating Si substrate.CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS ,19(2),240-242 al., et, FQ, Liu, WH;, Zhou, SC; and Qu.Photoluminescence properties of Eu3+-doped ZnS nanocrystals prepared in a water/methanol solution.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,80(19),3605-3607 BX, Liu, DP;, Yu, ZC; and Li.Manipulation of ordered layered structures by interface-assisted ion-beam mixing in immiscible Ag-Co and Ag-Ni systems.PHYSICAL REVIEW B,65 (24),245403 al., et, DP, Yu, YG;, Guo, DS; and Xu.Highly ordered and well-oriented single-crystal CdTe nanowire arrays by direct-current electrodeposition.JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH,17(7),1711-1714 al., et, M, Tence, YJ;, Xing, DP; and Yu.Microstructural and compositional characterization of a new silicon carbide nanocables using scanning transmission electron microscopy.PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES,15(1),1-5 XY, Liu, K;, Xun, JF;, Kang, al., et, GJ, Lian, DP;, Yu, HY; and Pan.Microstructure of epitaxial superconductive YBa2Cu3O7 thin films prepared at different deposition rates.THIN SOLID FILMS,416 (1-2),122-128 al., et, ZH, Xi, DP;, Yu, YJ; and Xing.Investigation of the growth process of Si nanowires using the vapour-liquid-solid mechanism.CHINESE PHYSICS,11(10),1047-1050 al., et, L, Jiang, YL;, Li, HB; and Liu.Imaging as-grown [60]fullerene nanotubes by template technique.JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,124(45),13370-13371
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