马仁敏Renmin Ma




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12/2024 Guangming Daily ( 光明日报 Highlights Our Breakthrough: Nanolasers - Pushing Photonics to the Atomic Scale Limit 纳米激光器:“小”到极致的光 ).


11/2024 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at Nature Conference on Disruptive Photonics Technologies 2024.


10/2024 Our work of Singular dielectric nanolaser with atomic-scale field localization was highlighted in an commentary article published in Advanced Photonics entitled 'Singular dielectric nanolaser: breaking diffraction limits to atomic scale'.


10/2024 Prof. Ma was invited to attend the The 8th Conference on Micro-nano Optical Technology and Application (MOTA 2024) & PhotoniX Forum 2024.

9/2024 Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering invited Pro. Ma to compose a comment article entitled ' Nanolaser technology with atomic-scale field localization' on our work of Singular dielectric nanolaser with atomic-scale field localization.


9/2024 Hongyi Luan and Chengwen Yang were awarded the Peking University Presidential Scholarship.

9/2024 Our work of Singular dielectric nanolaser with atomic-scale field localization was recognized as the Triennial Outstanding Achievements in optical metamaterials.

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8/2024 Our work of Reconfigurable moire nanolaser arrays with phase synchronization won the Nomination Award of 2023 Chip10 Science.


08/2024 Our work of Reconfigurable moire nanolaser arrays with phase synchronization was featured by Chinese Science Bulletin.


8/2024 Prof. Ma was invited to attend the 15th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2024).


08/2024 Yunhao Ouyang won the Excellent Poster Award in the 15th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2024).


07/2024 Prof. Zhiyuan Li visited our lab.


6/2024 Prof. Ma was invited to attend the Light Conference 2024.


6/2024 Hongyi Luan won the Best Paper Award and Wenzhi Mao won the Best Poster Award in the Light Conference 2024.


4/2024 Our work of Reconfigurable moire nanolaser arrays with phase synchronization was announced as Major Achievements in 2024 Zhongguanchun Forum. 面向世界科技前沿的重大科技成果二 ).


2/2024 Our work of Reconfigurable moire nanolaser arrays with phase synchronization won the Nomination Award of 2023 Top-10 Research Progresses on Semiconductors.


1/2024 Our work of Reconfigurable moire nanolaser arrays with phase synchronization was selected as Cover of PHYSICS



11/2023 Prof. Ma was invited to attend the 6th World Laureates Association Forum.



09/2023 Prof. Lei Zhou visited our lab.


07/2023 Sir Michael Berry visited our lab.



07/2023 Prof. Ma presented a plenary talk at 2023 Academic Conference of Chinese Optical Society.


07/2023 Hongyi Luan won the outstanding student presentation award in 2023 Academic Conference of Chinese Optical Society.



12/2022 Prof. Ma received Wang Dahang awards from Chinese Optical Society.

11/2022 Prof. Ma was invited to attend the 5th World Laureates Association Forum.


03/2022 Prof. Ma received 2021 Early-career awards in nanophotonics "for significant contributions to the development of nanolasers".

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02/2022 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at Bulk-Edge/Boundary-correspondence international workshop 2022, University of Tsukuba: Topological bulk and vortex lasers.


12/2021 Our work of revealing the missing dimension at an exceptional point has been selected as Top 100 high impact research articles of China 2020.


11/2021 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at MRS Fall Meeting: Magic-angle lasers in nanostructured moire superlattice.

09/2021 Our magic angle laser work was featured by Physics World.


08/2021 Our magic angle laser work was highlighted by Nature Nanotechnology News & Views.

08/2021 Our magic angle laser work was published on Nature Nanotechnology.

07/2021 Prof. Ma presented a keynote talk at CIOP 2021: Lasing and field manipulation by non-Hermitian and topological effects.

05/2021 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at CELO 2021: Topological vortex lasers based on spin-momentum-locked edge mode.

04/2021 Our sodium-based plasmonic devices was selected as "China top 10 breakthroughs in optics 2020".


02/2021  Prof. Ma wrote a News & Views article for Nature Physics: Multitudes of twists.


10/2020 Yifei Mao won best student paper award and Zhenqian Yang won best poster award in the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Beijing, China.

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09/2020 Our work on Flexible Ultrathin Single-Crystalline Perovskite Photodetector was published on Nano Letters.

09/2020 Our revealing the missing dimension work was highlighted by SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy.

08/2020 Zhenqian Yang and Hongyi Luan won the first price in ICANX Academic League and Prof. Ma won Outstanding Mentor Award.

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07/2020 Our work on spin-momentum locking topological vortex laser was published on Physical Review Letters.

05/2020 Our work on history of spasers and plasmonic nanolasers was published on Light: Science & Applications.

05/2020 Our work on sodium-based plasmonic devices was published on Nature.

05/2020 Our work on loss and gain of plasmonic nanolasers was published on Nanophotonics.

03/2020 Our revealing the missing dimension work was published on Nature Physics.


12/2019 Our topological bulk laser work was published on Nature Nanotechnology.

10/2019 Our News and Views article on plasmonic laser threshold was published on Nature Materials.

09/2019 Our Review article on Parity–Time Symmetry Synthetic Lasers was published on Advanced Optical Materials.

01/2019 Our Review article on Applications of Nanolasers was published on Nature Nanotechnology.


11/2018 Our plasmonic nanolaser EQE work was published on Nano Letters.

11/2018 Huazhou Chen won top 20 poster award in a nature conference on Nanophotonics and Integrated Photonics. 


08/2018 Huazhou Chen won best student poster in the 8th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics, Shanghai, China. 


07/2018 Our Optically Levitated Nanodumbbell work was highlighted by Nature.

07/2018 Huazhou Chen won best student poster and best article award in the 10th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics, Beijing, China. 


07/2018 Suo Wang and Huazhou Chen won nature travel grant and GRC travel grant to Gordon Research Conference. 


01/2018 Our recent work on 
plasmonic nanolaser scaling laws was highlighted by Nature Materials.


12/2017 The First Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Youth Physics Academic Forum.

11/2017 Prof. Chunxiang Xu from Southeast University visited our lab.

11/2017 Prof. Jacob Khurgin from Johns Hopkins University visited our lab.

11/2017 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at PIERS2017 entitled “Vortex Radiation from a Single Emitter”, Singapore.

11/2017 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at PIERS2017 entitled “Unusual Scaling Laws for Plasmonic Lasers beyond Diffraction Limit”, Singapore.

11/2017 Our perovskite thin film photodetector work was accepted by Advanced Materials.

10/2017 Our work on scaling laws of plasmonic nanolasers was accepted by Nature communications.

10/2017 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at OIT entitled “Recent Progress on Nanolasers”, China.

10/2017 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at NENS entitled “Imaging the dark emission of spasers”, China.

09/2017 Prof. Rupert F. Oulton from Imperial College London visited our lab.

07/2017 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at Meta2017 entitled “Room Temperature Ultralow Threshold Plasmonic Lasers with Unusual Scaling Laws”, South Korea.

07/2017 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at Meta2017 entitled “Parity-Time Symmetry Based Lasers”, South Korea.

07/2017 Prof. Ma presented a tutorial at Meta2017 entitled “Plasmonic nanolasers: fundamental, application and challenges”, South Korea.

06/2017 Suo Wang and Xingyuan Wang won Best student poster award in 2nd A3 Metamaterials forum, Shanghai, China.


06/2017 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at 2nd Metamaterials Forum entitled “Recent Progress on Nanolasers”, Shanghai, China.

04/2017 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at ISPN entitled “Imaging the dark emission of spasers”, China.

04/2017 Our imaging spasers work published on Science Advances.

04/2017 CPB highlights of 2016: Microscale Vortex Laser.

03/2017 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at APS March Meeting entitled “Room Temperature Ultralow Threshold Plasmonic Nanolasers with Unusual Scaling Laws”, USA.

01/2017 OPN: Zeroing In on Nanolasers, Rupert Oulton, Volker Sorger and Renmin Ma.


10/2016 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at National conference on photoelectric technology and system entitled “新型微尺度激光物理及应用, Guilin, China.

09/2016 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at 2016 OSA Incubator on the Science & Application of Nanolasers entitled “Why Small Light Sources?”, USA.

09/2016 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at 2016 OSA Incubator on the Science & Application of Nanolasers entitled “Sensing with nanolasers”, USA.

09/2016 Prof. Ma co-organized an OSA incubator meeting on Science & Applications of Nanolasers.

08/2016 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at PIERS entitled “Plasmon Laser for Sensing”, Shanghai, China.

08/2016 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at PIERS entitled “The Application of Plasmon Lasers”, Shanghai, China.

08/2016 Cooperating article Direction-Controlled Light-Driven Movement of Microribbons.

07/2016 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at 8th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications entitled “The Application of Plasmon Lasers”, South Korea

07/2016 Our vortex laser at exceptional point work was put on archive.org.

05/2016 Prof. Minghui Lu from Nanjing University visited our lab.

04/2016 Our Lasing Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance (LESPR) sensors work has been published on Nanophotonics.
Prof. Ren-Min Ma co-organized an OSA incubator meeting on Science & Applications of Nanolasers.

03/2016 Prof. Zhiyuan Li from The Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences visited our lab.


12/2015 Prof. Chongxin Shan from Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics, CAS visited our lab.

11/2015 Prof. Yongzhen Huang from The Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences visited our lab.

10/2015 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at KITPC Program “Plasmonic Nanogaps and Circuits” entitled “Plasmon Lasers”,China.

09/2015 Prof. Nicholas X. Fang from Massachusetts Institute of Technology visited our lab.

08/2015 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at CLEO-PR entitled “Plasmon Lasers:Development, Features and Applications”, South Korea.

08/2015 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at Annual Conference of The Chinese Optical Society entitled “深亚波长等离激元激光器".

08/2015 Prof. Zhaowei Liu from University of California, San Diego visited our lab.

07/2015 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at 2015 PKU-NTU Joint Workshop entitled “Plasmon Lasers: Coherent Light Sources at the Nanoscale”, China.

07/2015 Prof. Jacob Khurgin from Johns Hopkins University visited our lab.

06/2015 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk at UCLA-PKU Symposium entitled “Plasmon Lasers: Coherent Light Sources at the Nanoscale”, China.

Our plasmon laser sensing work has been highlighted by a recent Perspective article in Science.


11/2014 Prof. Ma presented four popular science lectures for high school students.

10/2014 Our work on PT laser was published in Science.

08/2014 Prof. Ma presented an invited talk in PIERS 2014 conference.

07/2014 Our work on plasmon laser sensing was published in Nature Nanotechnology.

UC Berkeley news center: Tiny laser sensor heightens bomb detection sensitivity.

Optics and Photonics News: "A Plasmon Laser Sensor for Bomb Detection".

Azosensors:" Innovation in Bomb Detection Using Nanosensors".

Nanotechweb: "Lasing plasmon nanocavity detects deadly explosives".

KTVU: "Researchers develop new bomb-detecting technology".


Scientific American:" Atomic Toolbox: Manufacturing at the Nanoscale".

SPIE Newsroom: "A high-performance silicon-based plasmonic modulator".


C&EN: "Researchers Build Compact Optical Circuit".

UC Research: "Pushing innovations to industry's doorstep".


MIT Tech. Review: "Nanolaser Heat Up".

OPN: "Tiny Room Temperature Plasmon Lasers".

IEEE Spectrum: "Nanolaser Heats Up".

PHYS ORG: "Engineers take plasmon lasers out of deep freeze".

MaterialsToday "Plasmon lasers at room temperature".

XinhuaNews: "U.S. scientists take plasmon lasers out of deep freeze".

NanoToday: "Nano-laser".

TheEngineer: "Plasmon lasers overcome commercial hurdle".

U.S.news: "Scientists Take Plasmon Lasers Out of Deep Freeze".


Science: "Ever-Smaller Lasers Pave the Way For Data Highways Made of Light".


Nature: "Lasers go-Nano".

Nature Photonics: "Birth of the nanolaser".

Nature Nanotechnology: "Nanophotonics: Lasers go beyond diffraction limit".

TheTelegraph: "World's smallest laser".

NPR (US): "Scientists have big hopes for tiny lasers".

The Hindu: "World's smallest semiconductor laser".