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Main positions:博士生导师
Degree:Doctoral degree



Gender: Male

Education Level: Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Administrative Position: 教授

Alma Mater: 澳大利亚Macquarie大学

Paper Publications

Two-Dimensional 111-Type In-Based Halide Perovskite Cs3In2X9 (X=Cl, Br, I) with Optimal Band Gap for Photovoltaics and Defect-Insensitive Blue Emission

Impact Factor:0.0
DOI number:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.024031
Journal:Phys. Rev. Applied
Abstract:Despite rapid progress in the power-conversion efficiency of Pb-based perovskite solar cells, both the long-term instability and Pb toxicity are still the main challenges for their commercial applications. Here, by first-principles GW calculations, we find three kinds of two-dimensional (2D) 111-type Pb-free Inbased halide perovskites of the form Cs3In2X9 (X = Cl, Br, I) as promising alternatives to the star material CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3) because of the following excellent electronic, optical, and transport properties: (i) The 2D In-based halide perovskites are environmentally friendly lead-free materials. (ii) Compared
with MAPbX3, they have greater structural stability. (iii) As energetic photovoltaic materials, 2D Cs3In2I9 perovskites are direct-band-gap semiconductors with optimal band gaps from 1.25 eV (trilayer) to 1.47 eV (monolayer). (iv) The 2D Cs3In2X9 perovskites have ideal band structures for solid-state lighting with a wide direct-optical-band-gap range (approximately 0.94–3.54 eV), covering the whole visible-light region, and light electron (heavy hole) effective mass, which will directly enhance the defect-insensitive emission efficiency due to the localization of holes. Particularly, Cs3In2BrxCl9−x has a suitable direct optical band gap for highly desired blue emission. (v) The absorption coefficient of Cs3In2X9 is up to 7 × 104 cm−1, which is between that of GaAs (104 cm−1) and that of MAPbI3 (105 cm−1). (vi) The estimated powerconversion efficiency in Cs3In2I9 reaches 28%, which is close to that of MAPbI3 (30%). These findings pave a way for designing nontoxic, stable, and high-performance photovoltaic and light-emitting devices.
Page Number:024031
Translation or Not:no
Included Journals:SCI
Date of Publication:2020-02-12