Selected Publications
[33] Liheng Zheng^, Zhixin Liu^, Donglin Liu, Xingguo Wang, Yu Li, Meiling Jiang, Feng Lin, Han Zhang, Bo shen, Xing Zhu, Yongji Gong, and Zheyu Fang*, “Deep subwavelength control of valley polarized cathodoluminescence in h-BN/WSe2/h-BN heterostructure”,Nature Communications 2020, doi:doi:10.1038/s41467-020-20545-x
[32] Pengfei Qi^, Yang Luo^, Wei Li, Yang Cheng, Hangyong Shan, Xingli Wang, Zheng Liu, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Jun Lou, Yanglong Hou, Kaihui Liu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Remote Lightening and Ultrafast Transition: Intrinsic Modulation of Exciton Spatiotemporal Dynamics in Monolayer MoS2",
ACS Nano 14: 6897, 2020. ( IF=13.903, Web, PDF)[31] Cheng Chi, Bowen Shi, Cong Liu, Yimin Kang, Li Lin, Meiling Jiang, Jing Lu, Bo Shen, Feng Lin, Hailin Peng, and Zheyu Fang*, "Graphene Acoustic Phonon Mediated Pseudo Landau Levels Tailoring Probed by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy",
Small, 16: 1905202, 2019. ( IF=10.856, Web, PDF)[30] Yu Li^, Youjun Xu^, Meiling Jiang^, Bowen Li, Tianyang Han, Cheng Chi, Feng Lin, Bo Shen, Xing Zhu, Luhua Lai, and Zheyu Fang*, "Self-learning Perfect Optical Chirality via Deep Neural Network",
Physical Review Letters 123: 213902, 2019. ( IF=9.227, Web, PDF)[29] Wenrong Wang, Beidou Guo, Haitao Dai, Chang Zhao, Guancai Xie, Renping Ma, Muhammad Zain Akram, Hangyong Shan, Congzhong Cai, Zheyu Fang*, and Jian Ru Gong*, "Improving Water Oxidation Efficiency by LightInduced Electric Field in Nanograting photoanodes",
Nano Letters 19: 6133-6139, 2019. ( IF=12.279, Web, PDF)[28] Hangyong Shan^, Ying Yu^, Rui Zhang^, Runtan Cheng, Dong Zhang, Yang Luo, Xingli Wang, Bowen Li, Shuai Zu, Feng Lin, Zheng Liu, Kai Chang*, and Zheyu Fang*, "Electron transfer and cascade relaxation dynamics of graphene quantum dots/MoS2 monolayer mixed-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures",
Materials Today 24:10-16, 2019. ( IF=24.372, Web, PDF)[27] Shuai Zu^, Tianyang Han^, Meiling Jiang, Zhixin Liu, Qiao Jiang, Feng Lin, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Imaging of Plasmonic Chiral Radiative Local Density of States with Cathodoluminescence Nanoscopy",
Nano Letters 19: 775, 2019. ( IF=12.279, Web, PDF)[26] Hangyong Shan^, Ying Yu^, Xingli Wang, Yang Luo, Shuai Zu, Bowen Du, Tianyang Han, Bowen Li, Yu LI, Jiarui Wu, Feng Lin, Kebin Shi, Beng Kang Tay, Zheng Liu, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Direct Observation of Ultrafast Plasmonic Hot Electron Transfer in Strong Coupling Regime",
Light: Science & Applications 8: 9, 2019. ( IF=14.000, Web, PDF)[25] Ziwei Li, Changxu Liu, Xin Rong, Yang Luo, Haotian Cheng, Liheng Zheng, Feng Lin, Bo Shen, Yongji Gong, Shuang Zhang*, and Zheyu Fang*, "Tailoring MoS2 Valley-Polarized Photoluminescence with Super Chiral Near-Field",
Adv. Mater. 30: 1801908, 2018. ( IF=25.809, Web, PDF)[24] Shuai Zu^, Tianyang Han^, Meiling Jiang, Feng Lin, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Deep-Subwavelength Resolving and Manipulating of Hidden Chirality in Achiral Nanostructures",
ACS Nano 12: 3908, 2018. ( IF=13.903, Web, PDF) {X-MOL}[23] Tianyang Han^, Shuai Zu^, Ziwei Li, Meiling Jiang, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Reveal and Control of Chiral Cathodoluminescence at Subnanoscale",
Nano Letters 18: 567, 2018. ( IF=12.279, Web, PDF)[22] Qiao Jiang^, Yanjun Bao^, Feng Lin, Xing Zhu, Shuang Zhang, and Zheyu Fang*, "Spin-controlled integrated Near- and Far-field Optical Launcher",
Adv. Funct. Mater. 28: 1705503, 2018. ( IF=15.621, Web, PDF)[21] Yu Li, Ziwei Li, Cheng Chi, Hangyong Shan, Liheng Zheng, and Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmonics of 2D Nanomaterials: Properties and Applications",
Advanced Science, 4: 1600430, 2017. ( IF=15.804, Invited Review, Web, PDF) {Materials Views China}[20] Weihua Zhang, Zheyu Fang*, Xing Zhu, "Near-field Raman Spectroscopy with Aperture Tips",
Chemical Reviews 117: 5095, 2017. ( IF=54.301, Invited, Web, PDF)[19] Bowen Li^, Shuai Zu^,Jiadong Zhou,Qiao Jiang, Bowen Du, Hangyong Shan, Yang Luo, Zheng Liu, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Single Nanoparticle Plasmonic Electro-Optic Modulator Based on MoS2 Monolayers",
ACS Nano 11: 9720, 2017.( IF=13.903, Web, PDF)[18] Yanjun Bao^, Qiao Jiang^,Yimin Kang,Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Enhanced Optical Performance of Multifocal Metalens with Conic Shapes",
Light: Science & Applications 6: e17071, 2017.( IF=14.000, Web, PDF)[17] Zhigang Song^, Ziwei Li^,Hong Wang,Xuedong Bai, et al., Jing Lu*, Zheyu Fang*, Jinbo Yang*, "Valley Pseudospin with a Widely Tunable Bandgap in Doped Honeycomb BN Monolayer",
Nano Letters 17: 2079, 2017.( IF=12.279, Web, PDF)[16] Ziwei Li^, Yu Li^, Xingli Wang, Ying Yu, Bengkang Tay, Zheng Liu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Tailoring MoS2 Exciton-Plasmon Interaction by Optical Spin-Orbit Coupling",
ACS Nano 11: 1165, 2017.( IF=13.903, Web, PDF, ESI high cited paper <1% ) {ACS Nano:'In Nano', Design for Science}[15] Ying Yu^, Ziheng Ji^, Shuai Zu, Bowen Du, Yimin Kang, Ziwei Li, Zhangkai Zhou, Kebin Shi, and Zheyu Fang*, "Ultrafast Plasmonic Hot Electron Transfer in Au Nanoantenna/MoS2 Heterostructures",
Adv. Funct. Mater., 26: 6394, 2016. ( IF=15.621, Web, PDF, Frontispiece) {Materials Views China, Design for Science, X-MOL}[14] Yanjun^, Zhijian Hu^, Ziwei Li, Xing Zhu, Zheyu Fang*, "Magnetic Plasmonic Fano Resonance at Optical Frequency",
Small, 11: 2177, 2015. ( IF=10.856, Web, PDF, COVER) {Materials Views China}[13] Ziwei Li^, Yingdong Xiao^, Yongji Gong, Zongpeng Wang, Yimin Kang, Shuai Zu, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Peter Nordlander, and Zheyu Fang*, "Active Light Control of the MoS2 Monolayer Exciton Binding Energy",
ACS Nano, 9: 10158, 2015. ( IF=13.903, Web, PDF)[12] Ziwei Li, Ruquan Ye, Rui Feng, Yimin Kang, Xing Zhu, James M. Tour, and Zheyu Fang*, "Graphene Quantum Dots Doping of MoS2 Monolayers",
Adv. Mater., 27: 5235-5240, 2015. ( IF=25.809, Web, PDF) {Wiley Materials Views China}[11] Yimin Kang, Sina Najmaei, Zheng Liu, Yanjun Bao, Yumin Wang, Xing Zhu, Naomi J. Halas, Peter Nordlander, Pulickel M Ajayan, Jun Lou, Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmonic Hot Electron Induced Structural Phase Transition in Monolayer MoS2",
Adv. Mater., 26: 6467, 2014. ( IF=25.809, Web, PDF, ESI high cited paper <1% ) {Materials Views China}[10] Zheyu Fang*^, Yumin Wang, Andrea Schlather, Zheng Liu, Pulickel M Ajayan, F. Javier Garcia de Abajo, Peter Nordlander, Xing Zhu, Naomi J. Halas*, "Active tunable absorption enhancement with graphene nanodisk arrays",
Nano Lett. 14: 299, 2014. ( IF=12.279, Web, PDF, ESI high cited paper <1% )[9] Zheyu Fang, Xing Zhu*,"Plasmonics in Nanostructures",
Adv. Mater., 25: 3840, 2013. ( IF=25.809, Web, PDF)[8] Zheyu Fang*^, Yurong Zhen^, Oara Neumann, Albert Polman, F. Javier García de Abajo, Peter Nordlander*, Naomi J.Halas*, "Evolution of light-induced vapor generation at a liquid-immersed metallic nanoparticle",
Nano Lett., 13: 1736, 2013 ( IF=12.279, Web, PDF, ESI high cited paper <1% ) {IOP nanotechweb}[7] Zheyu Fang^,Sukosin Thongrattanasiri^, Andrea Schlather^, Zheng Liu, Lulu Ma, Yumin Wang, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Peter Nordlander, Naomi J. Halas, and F. Javier García de Abajo*, "Gated Tunability and Hybridization of Localized Plasmons in Nanostructured Graphene",
ACS Nano, 7: 2388, 2013. ( IF=13.903, Web, PDF, COVER, ESI high cited paper <1% )[6] Zheyu Fang*^, Yumin Wang^, Zheng Liu^, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Frank H.L. Koppens*, Peter Nordlander*, and Naomi J. Halas*, "Plasmon-Induced Doping of Graphene",
ACS Nano, 6: 10222, 2012. ( IF=13.903, Web, PDF, ESI high cited paper <1% ) {Rice News and Meida, Nanowerk}[5] Zheyu Fang*^, Zheng Liu^, Yumin Wang^, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Peter Nordlander*, and Naomi J. Halas*, "Graphene-Antenna Sandwich Photodetector",
Nano Lett., 12: 3808, 2012. ( IF=12.279, Web, PDF, ESI high cited paper <1% ) {Chemical & Engineering News}[4] Zheyu Fang, Junyi Cai, Zhongbo Yan, Peter Nordlander, Naomi J. Halas, and Xing Zhu*, "Removing a Wedge from a Metallic Nanodisk Reveals a Fano Resonance",
Nano Lett., 11: 4475, 2011. ( IF=12.279, Web, PDF)[3] Zheyu Fang, Linran Fan, Chenfang Lin, Dai Zhang, Alfred J. Meixner, and Xing Zhu*, "Plasmonic coupling of bow tie antennas with Ag nanowire",
Nano Lett., 11: 1676, 2011. ( IF=12.279, Web, PDF)[2] Zheyu Fang, Qian Peng, Wentao Song, Fenghuan Hao, Jia Wang, Peter Nordlander, and Xing Zhu*, "Plasmonic focusing in symmetry broken nanocorrals",
Nano Lett., 11: 893, 2011. ( IF=12.279, Web, PDF) {NPG Asia Materials: "Photonics: Rounding up the light”}[1] Zheyu Fang, Chenfang Lin, Renmin Ma, Shan Huang, and Xing Zhu*, "Planar plasmonic focusing and optical transport using CdS Nanoribbon",
ACS Nano, 4: 75, 2010. ( IF=13.903, Web, PDF)
Journal Papers
[65] Miaoyi Deng, Ziwei Li, Xin Rong, Yang Luo, Bowen Li, Liheng Zheng, Xiao Wang, Feng Lin, Alfred J. Meixner, Kai Braun, Xing Zhu*, and Zheyu Fang*, "Light‐Controlled Near‐Field Energy Transfer in Plasmonic Metasurface Coupled MoS2 Monolayer", Small, 16: 2003539, 2020. ( IF=11.459, Web, PDF)
[64] Hangyong Shan^, Zhixin Liu^, Xingli Wang, Feng Lin, Zheng Liu, Bo Shen, Jun Lou, Xing Zhu, Pulickel M. Ajayan, and Zheyu Fang*, "Spontaneous Emission of Plasmon‐Exciton Polaritons Revealed by Ultrafast Nonradiative Decays",
Laser & Photonics Reviews, 14: 2000233, 2020. ( IF=10.655, Web, PDF)[63] Qiao Jiang, Bowen Du, Meiling Jiang, Donglin Liu, Zhixin Liu, Bowen Li, Zheng Liu, Feng Lin, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Ultrathin circular polarimeter based on chiral plasmonic metasurface and monolayer MoSe 2",
Nanoscale, 12: 5906, 2020. ( IF=6.97, Web, PDF)[62] Yang Luo, Hangyong Shan, Xiaoqing Gao, Pengfei Qi, Yu Li, Bowen Li, Xin Rong, Bo Shen, Han Zhang, Feng Lin, Zhiyong Tang, and Zheyu Fang*, "Photoluminescence enhancement of MoS 2/CdSe quantum rod heterostructures induced by energy transfer and exciton–exciton annihilation suppression",
Nanoscale Horizons, 5: 971, 2020. ( IF=9.095, Web, PDF)[61] Beibei Shi, Yingdong Xiao, Tianyang Han, Haotian Cheng, Jincan Zhang, Qiao Jiang, Hailin Peng, Han Zhang, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Controllable inversion symmetry breaking in single layer graphene induced by sub-lattice contrasted charge polarization",
Carbon, 163: 63, 2020. ( IF=8.821, Web, PDF)[60] Yang Zhao, Cheng-Xi Yang, Jia-Xi Zhu, Feng Lin*, and Zheyu Fang*, and Xing Zhu, "Optical spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion instructured optical fields",
Chinese Physics B, 29: 067301, 2020. ( IF=1.469 , Web, PDF)[59] Qiao Jiang, Yanjun Bao, Jing Li, Lifeng Tian, Tong Cui, Lin Sun, Bowen Du, Bowen Li, Benfeng Bai, Jia Wang, Hongbo Sun, Bo Shen, Han Zhang, Feng Lin, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Bi-channel near-and far-field optical vortex generator based on a single plasmonic metasurface",
Photonics Research, 8: 986, 2020. ( IF=5.522, Web, PDF)[58] Meiling Jiang, Liheng Zheng, Yu Li, Hangyong Shan, Cheng Chi, Zhixin Liu, Yijing Huang, Zhibo Dang, Feng Lin, and Zheyu Fang*, "Tailoring ZnO Spontaneous Emission with Plasmonic Radiative Local Density of States Using Cathodoluminescence Microscopy",
J. Phys. Chem. C, 124: 13886, 2020. ( IF=4.189, Web, PDF)2019
[57] Weichen Tang, Feng Lin, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmonic-modulated dissipative-driven multiqubit entanglement under asymmetric detuning",
Physical Review B, 100: 165415, 2019. ( IF=3.736, Web, PDF)[56] Zhijian Hu, Yang Mi, Yinglu Ji, Rui Wang, Weiya Zhou, Xiaohui Qiu, Xinfeng Liu*, Zheyu Fang, and Xiaochun Wu*, "Multiplasmon modes for enhancing photocatalytic activity of Au/Ag/Cu2O core-shell nanorods",
Nanoscale, 11: 16445-16454, 2019. ( IF=6.970, Web, PDF)[55] Jiajian Wang, Jing Jiang, Fengkai Meng, Feng Lin*, Zheyu Fang, and Xing Zhu, "Mode Controlling of Surface Plasmon Polaritons by Geometric Phases",
Plasmonics, 14: 785-790, 2019. ( IF=2.926, Web, PDF)[54] Xiankun Zhang, Qingliang Liao, Zhuo Kang, Baishan Liu, Yang Ou, Junli Du, Jiankun Xiao, Li Gao, Hangyong Shan, Yang Luo, Zheyu Fang, Pengdong Wang, Zhe Sun, Zheng Zhang*, Yue Zhang*, "Self-Healing Originated van der Waals Homojunctions with Strong Interlayer Coupling for High-Performance Photodiodes",
ACS Nano, 13: 3280-3291, 2019. ( IF=13.903, Web, PDF)[53] Bowen Li, Shuai Zu, Zhepeng Zhang, Liheng Zheng, Qiao Jiang, Bowen Du, Yang Luo, Yongji Gong, Yanfeng Zhang, Feng Lin, Bo Shen, Xing Zhu, Pulickel M Ajayan, Zheyu Fang*, "Large Rabi splitting obtained in Ag-WS2 strong-coupling heterostructure with optical microcavity at room temperature",
Opto-Electronic Advances, 2: 190008, 2019. ( IF=??, Web, PDF) {COVER}[52] Jing Jiang, Fengkai Meng, Y. Zhao, Zheyu Fang, and Feng Lin*, "Unidirectional launching and elongating propagation of airy surface plasmon polaritons by a metasurface coupling grating",
Optics Letters, 44: 2815-2818, 2019. ( IF=3.866, Web, PDF)[51] Zhijian Hu, Dejing Meng, Feng Lin, Xing Zhu, Zheyu Fang*, and Xiaochun Wu*, "Plasmonic Circular Dichroism of Gold Nanoparticle based Nanostructures",
Advanced Optical Materials 7: 1801590, 2019. ( IF=7.125, Web, PDF)2018
[50] Joel T Collins, Xuezhi Zheng, Nuno VS Braz, Eli Slenders, Shuai Zu, Guy AE Vandenbosch, Victor V Moshchalkov, Zheyu Fang, Marcel Ameloot, Paul A Warburton, and Ventsislav K Valev*, "Chiral Nanomaterials: Enantiomorphing Chiral Plasmonic Nanostructures: A Counterintuitive Sign Reversal of the Nonlinear Circular Dichroism",
Advanced Optical Materials 6: 1870057, 2018. ( IF=7.125, Web, PDF)[49] Cuncun Wu, Bowen Du, Wei Luo, Yang Liu, Tieyi Li, Duo Wang, Xuan Guo, Hungkit Ting, Zheyu Fang, Shufeng Wang*, Zhijian Chen, Yanxue Chen*, and Lixin Xiao*, "Highly Efficient and Stable Self-Powered Ultraviolet and Deep-Blue Photodetector Based on Cs2AgBiBr6/SnO2 Heterojunction",
Advanced Optical Materials 6: 1800811, 2018. ( IF=7.125, Web, PDF)[48] Zhixing Liu^, Meiling Jiang^, Yanglin Hu, Feng Lin, Bo Shen, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Scanning cathodoluminescence microscopy: applications in semiconductor and metallic nanostructures",
Opto-Electronic Advances 1: 180007, 2018. ( IF=??, Invited Review, Web, Cover, PDF)[47] Bowen Du, Wenqiang Yang, Qiao Jiang, Hangyong Shan, Deying Luo, Bowen Li, Weichen Tang, Feng Lin, Bo Shen, Qihuang Gong, Xing Zhu, Rui Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmonic-Functionalized Broadband Perovskite Photodetector",
Advanced Optical Materials 6: 1701271, 2018. ( IF=7.125, Web, PDF)[46] Zhen Yin, Ye Wang, Chuqiao Song, Liheng Zheng, Na Ma, Xi Liu, Siwei Li, Lili Lin, Mengzhu Li, Yao Xu, Weizhen Li, Gang Hu, Zheyu Fang, and Ding Ma*, "Hybrid Au–Ag Nanostructures for Enhanced Plasmon-Driven Catalytic Selective Hydrogenation through Visible Light Irradiation and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering",
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140: 864-867, 2018. ( IF=14.695, Web, PDF)2017
[45] Qian Wang, Zongpeng Wang, Zhe Li, Junyan Xiao, Hangyong Shan, Zheyu Fang, and Limin Qi*, "Controlled growth and shape-directed self-assembly of gold nanoarrows",
Science Advances 3: e1701183, 2017. ( IF=12.804, Web, PDF)[44] Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmonic silicon quantum dots extend photodetection into mid-infrared range",
Science Bulletin 62: 1430-1431, 2017. ( IF=6.277, Invited Research Highlight, Web, PDF)[43] Yimin Kang, Bowen Li, and Zheyu Fang*, "Radiative energy transfer from MoS2 excitons to surface plasmons",
Journal of Optics 19: 124009, 2017. ( IF=2.753, Invited: Emerging Leader special issue, Web, PDF)[42] Bowen Du, Li Lin, Wei Liu, Shuai Zu, Ying Yu, Ziwei Li, Yimin Kang, Hailin Peng, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmonic hot electron tunneling photodetection in vertical Au-graphene hybrid nanostructure",
Laser & Photonics Reviews 11: 1600148, 2017. ( IF=9.056, Web, PDF)[41] Zhijian Hu, Yanjun Bao, Ziwei Li, Yongji Gong, Rui Feng, Yindong Xiao, Xiaochun Wu, Zhaohui Zhang, Xing Zhu, Pulickel M. Ajayan, and Zheyu Fang*, "Temperature Dependent Raman and Photoluminescence of Vertical WS2/MoS2 Monolayer Heterostructures",
Science Bulletin 62: 16, 2017. ( IF=6.277, Web, PDF) {COVER, Research Highlight, Featured by National Science Review}[40] Yang Luo^, Cheng Chi^, Meiling Jiang^, Ruipeng Li, Shuai Zu, Yu Li, and Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmonic Chiral Nanostructures: Chiroptical Effects and Applications",
Adv. Opt. Mater. 5: 1700040, 2017. ( IF=7.125, Invited Review, Web, PDF) {Materials Views China}[39] Run Shi, Yinhu Cao, Yanjun Bao, Yufei Zhao, Geoffrey I. N. Waterhous, Zheyu Fang, Li-Zhu Wu, Chen-Ho Tung, Yadong Yin, Tierui Zhang*, "Self-Assembled Au/CdSe Nanocrystal Clusters for Plasmon-Mediated Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution",
Adv. Mater. 29: 1700803, 2017. ( IF=25.809, Web, PDF)[38] Yanjun Bao, Shuai Zu, Wei Liu, Lei Zhou, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Revealing the spin optics in conic-shaped metasurfaces",
Phys. Rev. B 95: 081406(R), 2017. ( IF=3.736, Web, PDF)[37] Haiwen Wang^, Tianxing Zheng^,Zhiyang Yuan,and Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmonic Spiral Nanostructure for Analyzing the Angular Momentum of Light",
IEEE Photonics Journal 9: 306, 2017.( IF=2.729, Web, PDF)[36] Ziwei Li, Yu Li, Yihan Hu, and Zheyu Fang*, "2D Materials: Physics and Device Applications",
Chinese Physics B, 26: 036802, 2017.( IF=1.469, Invited Review, Web, PDF)[35] Mengjun Hou, Zhixin Qin*, Lisheng Zhang, Tianyang Han, Mingxing Wang, Fujun Xu, Xinqiang Wang, Tongjun Yu, Zheyu Fang, Bo Shen*, "Excitonic localization at macrostep edges in AlGaN/AlGaN multiple quantum wells",
Superlattices and Microstructures 104:397, 2017. ( IF=2.385, Web, PDF)[34] 姜美玲^, 郑立恒^,池骋,朱星, 方哲宇*, "阴极荧光在表面等离激元研究领域的应用", 《物理学报》 66: 144201, 2017. (邀请综述, Web, PDF)
[33] 单杭永, 祖帅, 方哲宇*, "表面等离激元热电子超快动力学研究进展", 激光与光电子学进展, 54: 030002, 2017. (邀请综述, PDF)
[32] Shuai Zu, Yanjun Bao, and Zheyu Fang*, "Planar Plasmonic Chiral Nanostructures",
Nanoscale, 8: 3900, 2016. ( IF=6.970, Web, PDF)[31] Shuai Zu^, Bowen Li^, Yongji Gong, Pulickel M. Ajayan, and Zheyu Fang*, "Active control of plasmon-exciton coupling in MoS2-Ag hybrid nanostructures",
Adv. Opt. Mater., 4: 1463, 2016. ( IF=7.125, Web, PDF) {Materials Views China}[30] Tao Huang, Jiajian Wang, Ziwei Li, Wei Liu, Feng Lin, Zheyu Fang, and Xing Zhu*, "Unidirectional propogation of surface plasmons under active control",
SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, 100281B, 2016. (Web)[29] Tao Huang, Jiajian Wang, Ziwei Li, Wei Liu, Feng Lin, Zheyu Fang, Xing Zhu*, "Spin-controlled directional launching of surface plasmons at the subwavelength scale",
Chinese Physics B, 25: 087302, 2016. ( IF=1.469, Web)[28] Heng Zhang, Youfan Hu*, Zongpeng Wang, Zheyu Fang, Lianmao Peng*, "Performance Boosting of Flexible ZnO UV Sensors with Rational Designed Absorbing Antireflection Layer and Humectant Encapsulation",
ACS applied materials & interfaces, 8: 381, 2016. ( IF=8.456, Web)2015
[27] Yimin Kang^, Yongji Gong^, Zhijian Hu^, Ziwei Li, Xing Zhu, Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmon-enhanced MoS2 Photocatalysis in Hydrogen Evolution",
Nanoscale, 7: 4482, 2015. ( IF=6.97, Web, PDF, ESI high cited paper <1% )[26] Yanjun^, Zhijian Hu^, Ziwei Li, Xing Zhu, Zheyu Fang*, "Magnetic Plasmonic Fano Resonance at Optical Frequency",
Small, 11: 2177, 2015. ( IF=10.856, Web, PDF, COVER) {Materials Views China}[25] Yanjun Bao, Shuai Zu, Yifei Zhang, and Zheyu Fang*, "Active Control of Graphene-Based Unidirectional Surface Plasmon Launcher",
ACS Photonics, 2: 1135, 2015. ( IF=7.143, Web, PDF)[24] Yanjun Bao, Xing Zhu, and Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmonic Toroidal Dipolar Response under Radially Polarized Excitation",
Sci. Rep., 5: 11793, 2015. ( IF=4.011, Web, PDF)[23] Yanjun Bao, and Zheyu Fang*, "Plasmon-Enhanced Photodetection in Nanostructures",
Nanotechnology Reviews, 4: 325, 2015. ( IF=2.759, Invited, Web)[22] Xinxi Li, Chuangcheng Jia, Bangjun Ma, Wei Wang, Zheyu Fang, Guoqing Zhang*, and Xuefeng Guo*, "Substrate-induced interfacial plasmonics for photovoltaic conversion",
Sci Rep, 5: 14497, 2015. ( IF=4.011, Web)[21] Xiaowen Sun, Ciyuan Qiu*, Jiayang Wu, Huanying Zhou, Ting Pan, Junming Mao, Xi Yin, Ruili Liu, Weilu Gao, Zheyu Fang, and Yikai Su, "Broandband photodetection in a microfiber-graphene device",
Opt. Express, 23: 25209, 2015. ( IF=3.561, Web)[20] Disha Dong, Jing Yang, Qiang Cheng*, Jie Zhao, Lihua Gao, Shaojie Ma, Shuo Liu, Haibin Chen, Qiong He, Weiwei Liu, Zheyu Fang, Lei Zhou, Tiejun Cui*, "Terahertz Broadband Low-Reflection Metasurface by Controlling Phase Distributions",
Adv. Opt. Mater., 3:1405, 2015. ( IF=7.125, Web)[19] Haiqing Zhou, Fang Yu, Chuan Fei Guo, Zongpeng Wang, Yucheng Lan, Gang Wang, Zheyu Fang,Yuan Liu, Shuo Chen, Lianfeng Sun*, and Zhifeng Ren*, "Well-oriented epitaxial gold nanotriangles and bowties on MoS2 for surface-enhanced Raman scattering",
Nanoscale, 7: 9153, 2015. ( IF=6.97, Web)[18] Jiaming Li, Feng Lin, Zheyu Fang, Xing Zhu*, "Plasmonic circular polarization analyzer formed by unidirectionally controlling surface plasmon propagation",
Appl. Phys. Lett., 106: 161106, 2015. ( IF=3.521, Web)[17] Xueying Zhan, Yanjun Bao, Fengmei Wang, Qisheng Wang, Zhongzhou Cheng, Zhenxing Wang, Kai Xu, Zheyu Fang,Jun He*, "Surface Plasmon Resonance enhanced Light Absorption of Au decorated Composition-tuned ZnO/ZnxCd1−xSeyTe1-y Core/shell Nanowires for Efficient H2 Production",
Appl. Phys. Lett., 106: 123904, 2015. ( IF=3.521, Web)Before 2014
[16] Hong Wang, Fucai Liu, Zheyu Fang, Wu Zhou and Zheng Liu*, "Two-dimensional heterostructures: fabrication, characterization, and application",
Nanoscale, 6: 12250, 2014. ( IF=6.97, Web ESI high cited paper <1% )[15] Shubin Yang, Yongji Gong, Jinshui Zhang, Liang Zhan, Lulu Ma, Zheyu Fang, Robert Vajtai, Xinchen Wang*, Pulickel M. Ajayan*, "Exfoliated Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheets as Efficient Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Under Visible Light",
Adv. Mater., 25: 2452, 2013. ( IF=25.809, Web, ESI high cited paper <1% )[14] Ali Sobhani, Mark W. Knight, Yumin Wang, Bob Zheng, Nicholas S. King, Lisa V. Brown, Zheyu Fang, Peter Nordlander, and Naomi J. Halas*, "Narrowband photodetection in the near-infrared with a plasmon-induced hot electron device",
Nat. Commun., 4: 1643, 2013. ( IF=11.878, Web, ESI high cited paper <1% )[13] Yumin Wang^, Ziwei Li^, Ke Zhao, Ali Sobhani, Xing Zhu, Zheyu Fang*, Naomi J.Halas*, "Substrate-mediated charge transfer plasmons in simple and complex nanoparticle clusters",
Nanoscale, 5: 8997, 2013. ( IF=6.97, Web)[12] Lifei Liu, Yumin Wang, Zheyu Fang, Ke Zhao*, "Plasmon hybridization model generalized to conductively bridged nanoparticle dimers",
J Chem. Phys., 139: 064310, 2013. ( IF=2.997, Web)[11] Zheyu Fang^, Yu-rong Zhen^, Linran Fan, Xing Zhu*, and Peter Nordlander*, "Tunable wide-angle plasmonic perfect absorber at visible frequencies",
Phys. Rev. B, 85: 245401, 2012. ( IF=3.736, Web)[10] Feng Lin, Xiaoming Huang, Shengchun Qu, Zheyu Fang, Shan Huang, Wentao Song, Xing Zhu*, and Zhongfan Liu, "Characteristics of charge density waves on the surfaces of quasi-one-dimensional charge-transfer complex layered organic crystals",
Phys. Rev. B, 83: 125434, 2011. ( IF=3.736, Web)[9] Xiuli Fu*, Zhijian Peng, Dan Li, Lei Zhang, Jinghua Xiao, Jianyan Li, Zheyu Fang, "Self-assembly of tetrapod-shaped CdS nanostructures into 3D networks by a transverse growth process",
Nanotechnology, 22: 175601, 2011. ( IF=3.399, Web)[8] Zheyu Fang, Shan Huang, Yanwei Lu, Anlian Pan, Feng Lin, and Xing Zhu*, "Color-changeable properties of plasmonic waveguide based on Se-doped CdS nanoribbons",
Phys. Rev. B, 82: 085403, 2010. ( IF=3.736, Web)[7] Zheyu Fang, Yanwei Lu, Linran Fan, Chenfang Lin, and Xing Zhu*, "Surface plasmon polariton enhancement in silver nanowire-nanoantenna structure",
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