Pulication List:
[1] Decoherence modeling of polarization mode dispersion for one- and two-photon states in optical fibers, YIWEN LIU and YIAN LEI, Vol. 1, No. 2, 15 Feb 2022, Optics Continuum 315
[2] Wang, Libo; Xu, X. Q.; Zhu, Ben; Ma, Chenhao; Lei, Yi-an, Deep learning surrogate model for kinetic Landau-fluid closure with collision, AIP Advances, Volume 10, Issue 7, article id.075108, 2020
[3] J.G Chen, X.Q. Xu, Y. A. Lei, Extension of Landau-fluid closure to weakly collisional plasma regime, Computer Physics Communications, Volume 236, March 2019, Pages 128-134
[4] J.G Chen, X.Q.Xu, C.H. Ma, Y.A. Lei, Impact of bootstrap current and Landau-fluid closure on ELM crashes and transport, Physics of Plasmas 25, 050701 (2018)
[5] Li Cheng, Lei Yian, The Efficacy of Hydrodynamic Compression Using a Conical Cavity, Journal of Fusion Energy, 35(5) 2016, 758-768, DOI: 10.1007/s10894-016-0099-5
[6] Li Cheng, Chen Jianguo, Lei Yian, A concept of very high ratio gas compression device, Journal of Fusion Energy, 35(5) 2016, 776-780, DOI : 10.1007/s10894-016-0104-z.
[7] 杨政权 李成 雷奕安. 锥形腔等离子体压缩的磁流体模拟,物理学报,2016: Acta Physica Sinica, 65, 205201 (2016) DOI: 10.7498/aps.65.205201
[8] 胡林,朱隽,雷奕安,离化靶中多脉冲强流电子束的不稳定性,强激光与粒子束,2013 vol.25(09): 2443-2447.
[9] 胡林,雷奕安,朱隽,强流电子束入射叠靶能量沉积计算,强激光与粒子束,2013 vol.25(08): 2125-2129.
[10] LI Bing-Huan(李冰桓), ZHANG Zhen-Hua (张振华), LEI Yi-An(雷奕安), Particle-number conserving analysis for the 2-quasiparticle and high-K multi-quasiparticle states in doubly odd 174,176Lu, Chinese Physics C Vol. 37, No. 1 (2013) 014101
[11] 雷奕安,聚变发电还有多远,大学物理, 2012年第31卷第7期 47-51页
[12] 雷奕安,核安全与核能社会,现代物理知识,2011 Vol. 23 (3): 44-50
[13] 雷奕安,下一百年的能源,现代物理知识,2011 Vol. 23 (2): 27-31
[14] X. Wu (吴熙), Z. H. Zhang (张振华), J. Y. Zeng (曾谨言), and Y. A. Lei (雷奕安), Nuclear pairing reduction due to rotation and blocking, Phys. Rev. C 83, 034323 (2011) [6 pages], DOI: PhysRevC.83. 034323
[15] J. L. Hu and Y. A. Lei, Fusion Energy 2010 (Proc. 23rd Int. Conf. Daejeon, 2010) (Vienna: IAEA) CD-ROM file IFE/P6-15 and http://www-pub.iaea.org/ mtcd/meetings/PDFplus/2010/cn180/cn180_papers/ife_p6-15.pdf
[16] Yian Lei, Bingqiang Sun, Jian Liu, Chao Chen, Implosion of a large spherical void, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 244 (2010) 022005.
[17] QI Shou-Tao, ZHANG Zhen-Hua, SUN Bao-Xi, LEI Yi-An, ZENG Jin-Yan, Particle-number-conserving analysis of multiquasiparticle bands in 177Lu, Chinese Physics C, 34(1):1-6 (2010).
[18] J. Liu, Z. X. Wang, C. Chen, Y. A. Lei, One dimensional simulation of diamond DT methane impact fusion, Nucl. Fusion 49 065021 (2009).
[19] Y. A. Lei et al. in Fusion Energy 2008 (Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. Geneva, 2008) (Vienna: IAEA) CD-ROM file IF/P7-30 and http://www-naweb.iaea.org/napc/ physics/FEC/FEC2008/html/index.htm
[20] Hypervelocity Macroscopic Particle Impact Fusion with DT Methane, Y.A. Lei, J. Liu, Z.X. Wang, 17th Int. Conf. on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion, Tokyo, 2008,
[21] Hypervelocity Macroscopic Particle Impact Fusion with DT Methane, Y.A. Lei, J. Liu, Z.X. Wang, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 606 (2009), pp. 157-160, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.03.092
[22] Acceleration of macroparticle to hypervelocity by high intensity beams, Y. A. Lei, J. Liu, 17th Int. Conf. on High-Power Particle Beams, Xian, 2008.
[23] Acceleration of macroparticle to hypervelocity by high intensity beams, Jian Liu and Yian Lei, IEEE Trans. Plasmas, 37 (2009) 1993-1997.
[24] Particle-number conserving analysis for the systematics of high-K pair-broken bands in Hf and Lu isotopes (170 <= A <= 178), Z. H. Zhang, Y. A. Lei, and J. Y. Zeng, Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 034313
[25] Particle-number conserving analysis of the moments of inertia of high-K multiquasiparticle bands in 179Ta, Z.H. Zhang, X. Wu, Y. A. Lei, J. Y. Zeng, Nuclear Physics A 816 (2009) 19–32.
[26] Improved Z1/3 law of nuclear charge radius, Y. A. Lei, Z. H. Zhang, and J. Y. Zeng, Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing,China) 51 (2009) pp. 123–125.
[27] 高速撞击聚变的流体模拟,王直轩,刘健,陈超,雷奕安,第五届全国青年计算物理学术交流会,青岛,2008。
[28] Nonadditivity in Moments of Inertia of High-K Multiquasiparticle Bands, ZHANG Zhen-Hua, WU Xi, LEI Yi-An, ZENG Jin-Yan, Chinese Phys. C, 32, no. 9, 681-686, (2008)
[29] Comparison between formulas of rotational band for axially symmetric deformed nuclei, WU Xi, LEI Yi-An, Chinese Phys. C, 32, no. 2, 112-119 (2008)
[30] Fast Resistive Reconnection Regime in the Nonlinear Evolution of Double Tearing Modes,Z. X. Wang, X. G. Wang, J. Q. Dong, Y. A. Lei, Y. X. Long, Z. Z. Mou, and W. X. Qu,PRL 99, 185004 (2007)
[31] 核电荷半径的同位旋相关性及其微观诠释,雷奕安,曾谨言,高能物理与核物理,31, no. 8 (2007)731-735
[32] 原子核转动谱公式的回顾与比较,刘树新,雷奕安,曾谨言,高能物理与核物理, Dec. 2006, 30, Supp.II
[33] 原子核转动惯量奇偶差的大幅涨落与非相加性,刘树新,雷奕安,曾谨言,高能物理与核物理,Dec. 2006, 30, Supp.II
[34] Le Zhang, Xuelei Chen, Yi-An Lei, and Zong-guo Si, Impacts of dark matter particle annihilation on recombination and the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background, Phys. Rev. D 74, 103519 (2006)
[35] Yi An Lei, Tikhon Bykov, Soohaeng Yoo, and Xiao Cheng Zeng, The Tolman Length: Is It Positive or Negative? J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2005, 127, 15346-15347
[36] X.L. Zhu, X.C. Zeng, Y.A. Lei, and B. Pan, " Structures and stablitiy of medium silicon clusters II: Ab initio molecular orbital calculatios of Si12 - Si20, " J. Chem. Phys. 120 , 8985 (2004).
[37] S. Yoo, Y.A. Lei, and X.C. Zeng, " Effect of polarizability of halide anions on the ionic solvation in water clusters, " J. Chem. Phys. 119 , 6083 (2003).
[38] Weak Finite-Size Dependence of Velocity and Strong Phase Dependence of Central Charge, Lin ZB, Zhang J, Qin SJ, Lei Y, Commun Theor Phys 37, 367, (2002)
[39] Wave-Function Initialization in an Infinite-Chain Density-Matrix Renormalizati on-group Algorithm, Liqun Sun, Jun Zhang, Shaojin Qin, Yian Lei, Phys Rev B 65, 132412, (2002)
[40] Microscopic self-organization in biochemical reactions: a lattice model, Hongli Wang, Qi Ouyang, and Yi-an Lei, J. Phys. Chem. B. 2001; 105(29); 7099-7103.
[41] Microscopic mechanism of normally deformed identical bands at low spin in the rare-earth nuclei, J. Y. Zeng, S. X. Liu, Y. A. Lei and L. Yu, Phys. Rev. C, 63, (2001)024305.
[42] 稀土区正常变形奇核—偶核全同带的物理机制,余雷,刘树新,雷奕安,曾谨言,高能物理与核物理,25, no. 6, (2001) 526-533.
[43] Pb-Po系列偶偶超变形带转动惯量变化的微观机制,余雷,刘树新,雷奕安,曾谨言,高能物理与核物理,25, no. 2, (2001) 129-134.
[44] 超变形核中四极对力形式的探讨,刘树新,余雷,雷奕安,曾谨言,高能物理与核物理,25, no. 1, (2001)1-10.
[45] Quadrupole pairing and downturn of moment of inertia for the superdeformed band 194Hg(1), X. B. Xin, S. X. Liu, Y. A. Lei and J. Y. Zeng, Phys. Rev. C, 62, (2000)067303.
[46] Influence of band interaction on the spin prediction of superdeformed rotational bands,S. X. Liu, X. B. Xin, Y. A. Lei and J. Y. Zeng, Journal of Physics G 26 (2000)79-92。
[47] 含时受迫谐振子的相干态与AA相,刘宇峰,雷奕安,曾谨言,中国科学(A辑), 30, (2000)337。
[48] Influence of quadropole pairing on the variation of J(2) of the superdeformed band 194Hg(1), X. B. Xin, Y. A. Lei, S. X. Liu and J. Y. Zeng, Chin. Phys. Lett. 17, (2000) 94.
[49] Coherent state of a time-dependent forced oscillator and its Aharonov-Bohm phase,
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[50] Construction of paired states in axially symmetric nuclei and diabetic pair transfer,
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[51] p-13C Interaction and a Cluster Model, Ren Yong-jian, Gu Jian-zhong, Lei Yian and Zeng Guo-mo, Chinese J. of Nucl. Phys. 19(1997)142. EI收录。
[52] Some theoretical problems of superdeformed rotational bands, J. Y. Zeng, and Y. A. Lei, Proceedings of 7th Asia Pacific Physics conference, Aug. 19-23, 1997, Beijing, 332-337.
[53] Factorization of the radial Schroedinger equation and four kinds of raising and lowering operators of hydrogen atom, Y. F. Liu, Y. A. Lei, J. Y. Zeng, Phys. Lett. A, 231 9 (1997).
[54] Berry 相与 AB 效应的关系,雷奕安,曾谨言,物理学报,45, 19 (1997)。
[55] Nonadiabatic Berry phase of a two-state system and nonstationarity of quantum states, Y. A. Lei, J. Y. Zeng, Commun. Theor. Phys., 27 (1997) 435-442.
[56] 超形变核转动带的自旋指定与实验测定的比较, 雷奕安,林纯镇,曾谨言,高能物理与核物理,21, 648 (1997)。
[57] Difference in moments of inertia and pairing interaction strength in superdeformed nuclei,
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[60] Connection between the Berry phase and the Lewis phase, J. Y. Zeng and Y. A. Lei, Phys. Lett. A 215 239 (1996).
[61] Spin assignment of the first discovered superdeformed band 152Dy(1), Y. A. Lei and J. Y. Zeng, Nucl. Science. & Techniques., 7 193 (1996).
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[63] Nuclear moment of inertia and blocking effect, J. Y. Zeng, Y. A. Lei, and E. G. Zhao, invited talk at the 1995 Int. Conf. Nucl. Phys. (Beijing), August 21-26.
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[66] Systematic odd-even differences in the moments of inertia of superdeformed bands and blocking effect, J. Y. Zeng, Y. A. Lei, and E. G. Zhao, Science in China (A), 38, 730(1995).
[67] Blocking effect and odd-even differences in the moments of inertia of rare-earth nuclei,
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