Group Annual Meeting 2015
Spring Tour
Damage Survey at Jianli for the ship wreck of "oriental Star"
Attending the data assimilation summer school and symposium during 1-8 July
Dr. Jonathan Poterjoy from NCAR visited us on 9 July
Six group members attended the 16th AMS Mesoscale Conference in Boston, U.S. Aug.3-6
----Yunji received the best student poster award
----A hail break!
Yunji and Yaodan visited PSU respectively for 1 and 3 months.
Zhu Lei visited PSU under CSC program for two years starting in Sept.2015.
Autumn tour - World Park Sept.20
Lanqiang and Huang Ling joined a damage survey of Foshan Tornado in Oct.5-8
Huangling co-organized the 5th Graduate Student Forum of the 32th Annual Meeting of China Meteorological Society. Oct.13
Yunji received Xieyibing Award on Nov.11
Dr. Charles Doswell from CIMMS affilicated with the University of Oklahoma visited us on Nov.27
Conference on South China pre-rainy season severe convective rain storm on Dec. 10
Jason Sippel from NOAA visited us on Dec. 12
Happy New Year on Dec.30