光强达到相对论强度(10^18 W/cm^2)的超强激光与物质相互作用时,可驱动大量电子的集体运动,产生比射频加速器电场强一百万倍的超强电场,在飞秒-微米时空尺度内就能将带电粒子加速至接近光速,是一种变革性的新型粒子加速方法。如在加速的同时剧烈地扭摆电子,还可产生瞬态亮度媲美大型光源的高亮度辐射。而要实现高效的粒子加速,需要利用靶材的结构与物性,精准调控加速场的结构,控制其演化。我们致力于使用纳米材料与微纳加工技术,构筑出自然界不存在的靶材,通过亚波长尺度加速结构的设计,实现最优化的激光加速过程,并格外关注激光加速器研发中的关键科学与技术问题。在高能离子加速、高亮度x/γ光源、激光加速靶材科学、先进打靶技术等领域取得了一批有国际影响的成果。与韩国高等技术研究院、德国慕尼黑大学、英国卢瑟福实验室、法国巴黎理工学院等建立了广泛深入的国际合作关系。
1. 激光加速产生高能质子、重离子
Physical Review X, 11, 021049 (2021):利用纳米金靶1.2GeV高能金离子,将原纪录提高6倍
Physical Review Letters 122 , 014803 (2019):采用双层复合纳米靶产生580MeV高能碳离子,将原纪录提高2.5倍
Physical Review Letters 115, 064801 (2015):首次使用碳纳米管实现等离子体透镜,用于离子加速,产生250MeV碳离子
2. 基于纳米靶体系的高亮度光源
Nature Photonics 17, 137–142 (2023): 高亮度飞秒硬X射线脉冲
Physical Review Letters 113, 235002 (2014): 基于双层纳米薄膜靶的孤立阿秒脉冲
New Journal of Physics, 23,053003 (2021):基于临界密度等离子体的孤立阿秒脉冲
Optics Express 29, 5427 (2021):基于纳米线阵列的高亮度水窗波段x射线源
3. 激光加速器中的靶材科学与打靶技术
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 9, 29 (2021) :碳纳米管靶材制备方法
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 8, 41 (2020) :激光加速用主要靶材的损伤阈值研究
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 5, 12 (2017):Hz级重频打靶系统
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A,655(1): 53-56 (2011):类金刚石纳米靶制备方法
4. 激光加速超快离子束流应用
Cell and Developmental Biology, 9, 672929 (2021):FLASH辐照方式下癌干细胞辐照抗性
Cell and Developmental Biology,9,672693 (2021):FLASH辐照方式下正常细胞辐射抗性增强与细胞氧分压水平的关系
2021 |
P. Wang, Z. Gong, S.G. Lee, Y. Shou, Y. Geng, C. Jeon, I. Kim, H. .Lee, J.Yoon, J.Sung, S. K. Lee, D. Kong, J.Liu, Z. Mei, Z. Cao, Z. Pan, I. W. Choi*, X. Yan*, C. H. Nam*, W. Ma*, Super-Heavy Ions Acceleration Driven by Ultrashort Laser Pulses at Ultrahigh Intensity, Physical Review X, 11, 021049 (2021) |
Y. Shou, D. Wang, P. Wang, J. Liu, Z. Cao, Z. Mei, S. Xu, Z. Pan, D. Kong, G. Qi, Z. Liu, Y. Liang, Z. Peng, Y. Gao, S. Chen, J. Zhao, Y. Zhao, H. Xu, J. Zhao, Y. Wu, X. Yan, and W. Ma*, "High-efficiency generation of narrowband soft x rays from carbon nanotube foams irradiated by relativistic femtosecond lasers," Opt. Lett. 46, 3969-3972 (2021). |
W. Ma*, Z. Liu, P. Wang, J. Zhao, X.Yan A review on the experimental progresses in laser-driven high-energy proton acceleration and new acceleration schemes (invited review), Acta Physica Sinica, 70(8), 084102 (2021). |
P. Wang, G. Qi, Z. Pan, D. Kong, Y. Shou, J. Liu, Z. Cao, Z. Mei, S. Xu, Z. Liu, S. Chen, Y. Gao, J. Zhao, W. Ma* Fabrication of large-area uniform carbon nanotube foams as near-critical-density targets for laser-plasma experiments,High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 9, 29 (2021) |
J. Han, Z. Mei, C. Lu, J. Qian, X. Sun, Y. Liang, Z. Pan, D. Kong, S. Xu, Z. Liu, Y. Gao, G. Qi, Y. Shou, S. Chen, Z. Cao, Y. Zhao, C. Lin, Y. Zhao, Y. Geng, J. Chen, X. Yan*, W. Ma*, G. Yang*, Ultra-high dose rate FLASH irradiation induced radio-resistance of normal fibroblast cells can be enhanced by hypoxia and mitochondrial dysfunction resulting from loss of cytochrome c, Cell and Developmental Biology, 9, 672929 (2021) |
G. Yang*, C. Lu, Z. Mei, X. Sun, J. Han, J. Qian, Y. Liang, Z. Pan, D. Kong, S. Xu, Z. Liu, Y. Gao, G. Qi, Y. Shou, S. Chen, Z. Cao, Y. Zhao, C. Lin, Y. Zhao, Y. Geng, W. Ma*, X. Yan*, Association of cancer stem cell radio-resistance under ultra-high dose rate FLASH irradiation with lysosome-mediated autophagy, Cell and Developmental Biology,9,672693 (2021) |
Y. Shou, R. Hu, Z. Gong, J. Yu, J. Chen, G. Mourou, X. Yan, W. Ma*, Cascaded Generation of a Sub-10-Attosecond Half-Cycle Pulse, arXiv:2010.05724. New Journal of Physics, 23, 053003 (2021) |
Y. Shou, D. Kong, P. Wang, Z. Mei, Z. Cao, Z. Pan, Y. Li, S. Xu, G. Qi, S. Chen, J. Zhao, Y. Zhao, C. Fu, W. Luo, G. Zhang, X. Yan, and W. Ma*, High-efficiency water-window x-ray generation from nanowire array targets irradiated with femtosecond laser pulses, Optics Express 29 (4), 5427-36 (2021) |
P. Rubovič*, A. Bonasera, P. Burian, Z. Cao, C. Fu, D. Kong, H. Lan, Y. Lou, W. Luo, C. Lv, Y. Ma, W. Ma*, Z. Ma, L. Meduna, Z. Mei, Y. Mora, Z. Pan, Y. Shou, R. Sýkora, M. Veselský, P. Wang, W. Wang, X. Yan, G. Zhang, J. Zhao, Y. Zhao, and J. Žemlička, Measurements of D–D fusion neutrons generated in nanowire array laser plasma using Timepix3 detector, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 985, 164680 (2021) |
2020 |
D. Wang, Y. Shou, P. Wang, J. Liu, Z. Mei, Z. Cao, J. Zhang, P. Yang, G. Feng, S. Chen, Y. Zhao, J. Schreiber, and W. Ma*, Laser-induced damage thresholds of ultrathin targets and their constraint on laser contrast in laser-driven ion acceleration experiments, High Power Laser Science and Engineering 8, 41 (2020). |
Zhu J.G., Wu M.J., Zhu K., Geng Y.X., Liao Q., Li D.Y., Yang T., Easton M.J., Li C.C., Xu X.H., Shou Y.R., Yu J.Q., Gong Z., Zhao Y.Y., Wang P.J., Wang D.H., Tao L., Chen C.E., Ma W.J., Lu H.Y., Tajima T., Mourou G., Lin C., Yan X.Q., Demonstration of tailored energy deposition in a laser proton accelerator, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 23(12). (2020) |
Proton beams from intense laser-solid interaction: Effects of the target materials, Geng Y.X., Wu D., Yu W., Sheng Z.M., Fritzsche S., Liao Q., Wu M.J., Xu X.H., Li D.Y., Ma W.J., Lu H.Y., Zhao Y.Y., He X.T., Chen J.E., Lin C., Yan X.Q.*, (2020) Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 5 (6). |
Laser-driven ion acceleration: development and potential applications [激光离子加速研究与应用展望], Wu X., Shou Y., Gong Z., Zhao Y., Zhu K., Yang G., Lu H., Lin C., Ma W., Chen J., Yan X., (2020) Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 32(9). |
Proton sheet crossing in thin relativistic plasma irradiated by a femtosecond petawatt laser pulse, Gong Z., Shou Y., Tang Y., Hu R., Yu J., Ma W., Lin C., Yan X., (2020) Physical Review E, 102 (1). |
Emittance measurement along transport beam line for laser driven protons, Wu, M.J., Li, D.Y., Zhu, J.G., Yang, T., Hu, X.Y., Geng, Y.X., Zhu, K., Easton, M.J., Zhao, Y.Y., Zhang, A.L., Lu, H.Y., Ma, W.J., Lin, C*., Yan, X.Q*., (2020) Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 23 (3) . |
Collection and focusing of laser accelerated proton beam by an electromagnetic quadrupole triplet lens, Wu, M., Zhu, J., Li, D., Yang, T., Liao, Q., Geng, Y., Xu, X., Li, C., Shou, Y., Zhao, Y., Lu, Y., Lu, H., Ma, W., Lin, C., Zhu, K., Yan, X., (2020) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 955 . |
2019 |
P. Wang, Y. Gao, Y. Shou, Z. Pan, S. Xu, D. Wang, J. Liu, Z. Cao, Z. Mei, D. Kong, Y. Geng, Y. Zhao, H. Lu, C. Lin, X. Yan, and W. Ma*, A simple way to introduce an adjustable femtosecond pre-pulse to enhance laser-driven proton acceleration, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1350, 012063 (2019). |
Experimental demonstration of a laser proton accelerator with accurate beam control through image-relaying transport, Zhu, J.G., Wu, M.J., Liao, Q., Geng, Y.X., Zhu, K., Li, C.C., Xu, X.H., Li, D.Y., Shou, Y.R., Yang, T., Wang, P.J., Wang, D.H., Wang, J.J., Chen, C.E., He, X.T., Zhao, Y.Y., Ma, W.J., Lu, H.Y., Tajima, T., Lin, C., Yan, X.Q., (2019) Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 22 (6) . |
Y. R. Shou, D. H. Wang, P. J. Wang, J. B. Liu, Z. X. Cao, Z. S. Mei, Y. X. Geng, J. G. Zhu, Q. Liao, Y. Y. Zhao, K. Zhu, C. Lin, H. Y. Lu, W. J. Ma*, and X. Q. Yan*, Automated positioning of transparent targets using defocusing method in a laser proton accelerator, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 927, 236 (2019) |
Target fabrication for laser-ion acceleration research at the Technological Laboratory of the LMU Munich, Szerypo, J., Ma, W., Bothmann, G., Hahner, D., Haug, M., Hilz, P., Kreuzer, C., Lange, R., Seuferling, S., Speicher, M., Stehr, F., Stork, S., Thirolf, P.G., Schreiber, J., Wirth, H.-F., (2019) Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 4 (3) . |
J. Liu, J. Yu*, Y. Shou, D. Wang, R. Hu, Y. Tang, P. Wang, Z. Cao, Z. Mei, C. Lin, H. Lu, Y. Zhao, K. Zhu, X. Yan, and W. Ma*, Generation of bright γ-ray/hard x-ray flash with intense femtosecond pulses and double-layer targets, Physics of Plasmas 26, 033109 (2019) |
Detection and analysis of laser driven proton beams by calibrated Gafchromic HD-V2 and MD-V3 radiochromic films, Xu, X.H., Liao, Q., Wu, M.J., Geng, Y.X., Li, D.Y., Zhu, J.G., Li, C.C., Hu, R.H., Shou, Y.R., Chen, Y.H., Lu, H.Y., Ma, W.J., Zhao, Y.Y., Zhu, K., Lin, C.*, Yan, X.Q.*, (2019) Review of Scientific Instruments, 90 (3) . |
W. J. Ma*, I. J. Kim, J. Q. Yu, I. W. Choi, P. K. Singh, H. W. Lee, J. H. Sung, S. K. Lee, C. Lin, Q. Liao, J. G. Zhu, H. Y. Lu, B. Liu, H. Y. Wang, R. F. Xu, X. T. He, J. E. Chen, M. Zepf, J. Schreiber, X. Q. Yan*, and C. H. Nam*, Laser Acceleration of Highly Energetic Carbon Ions Using a Double-Layer Target Composed of Slightly Underdense Plasma and Ultrathin Foil, Physical Review Letters 122 , 014803 (2019) |
Creation of Electron-Positron Pairs in Photon-Photon Collisions Driven by 10-PW Laser Pulses, Yu, J.Q., Lu, H.Y.*, Takahashi, T., Hu, R.H., Gong, Z., Ma, W.J., Huang, Y.S., Chen, C.E., Yan, X.Q.*, (2019) Physical Review Letters, 122 (1) . |
2018 |
D. H. Wang, Y. R. Shou, P. J. Wang, J. B. Liu, C. C. Li, Z. Gong, R. H. Hu, W. J. Ma*, and X. Q. Yan*, Enhanced proton acceleration from an ultrathin target irradiated by laser pulses with plateau ASE, Scientific reports 8, 2536 (2018) |
D. H. Wang, W. J. Ma*, J. H. Bin, K. Alinger, Y. R. Shou, P. J. Wang, J. B. Liu, J. G. Zhu, Z. X. Cao, Z. S. Mei, H. Y. Wang, H. Y. Lu, C. Lin, Y. Y. Zhao, J. Schreiber, and X. Q. Yan*, Single-shot laser-induced damage threshold of free-standing nanometer-thin diamond-like carbon foils, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 436, 18 (2018). |
Shaping of ion energy spectrum due to ionization in ion acceleration driven by an ultra-short pulse laser, Yu, J.Q., Ma, W.J., Lin, C., Yan, X.Q.*, (2018) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60 (11) . |
Enhanced laser proton acceleration by target ablation on a femtosecond laser system, Liao, Q., Wu, M.J., Gong, Z., Geng, Y.X., Xu, X.H., Li, D.Y., Shou, Y.R., Zhu, J.G., Li, C.C., Yang, M., Li, T.S., Lu, H.Y., Ma, W.J., Zhao, Y.Y., Lin, C.*, Yan, X.Q.*, (2018) Physics of Plasmas, 25 (6) . |
J. Q. Yu, R. H. Hu, Z. Gong, A. Ting, Z. Najmudin, D. Wu, H. Y. Lu*, W. J. Ma*, and X. Q. Yan*, The generation of collimated gamma-ray pulse from the interaction between 10 PW laser and a narrow tube target, Applied Physics Letters 112, 204103 (2018) |
Ring-like spatial distribution of laser accelerated protons in the ultra-high-contrast TNSA-regime, Becker, G.A., Tietze, S., Keppler, S., Reisl?hner, J., Bin, J.H., Bock, L., Brack, F.-E., Hein, J., Hellwing, M., Hilz, P., Hornung, M., Kessler, A., Kraft, S.D., Kuschel, S., Liebetrau, H., Ma, W., Polz, J., Schlenvoigt, H.-P., Schorcht, F., Schwab, M.B., Seidel, A., Zeil, K., Schramm, U., Zepf, M., Schreiber, J., Rykovanov, S., Kaluza, M.C.*, (2018) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60 (5). |
2017 |
Distribution uniformity of laser-accelerated proton beams, Zhu, J.-G., Zhu, K., Tao, L., Xu, X.-H., Lin, C., Ma, W.-J., Lu, H.-Y., Zhao, Y.-Y., Lu, Y.-R., Chen, J.-E., Yan, X.-Q., (2017) Chinese Physics C, 41 (9) . |
High-Yield High-Efficiency Positron Generation in High-Z Metal Targets Irradiated by Laser Produced Electrons from Near-Critical Density Plasmas, Song, W., Hu, R.-H., Shou, Y.-R., Gong, Z., Yu, J.-Q., Lin, C., Ma, W.-J., Zhao, Y.-Y., Lu, H.-Y.*, Yan, X.-Q.*, (2017) Chinese Physics Letters, 34 (8) . |
An analytical reconstruction model of the spread-out Bragg peak using laser-accelerated proton beams, Tao, L., Zhu, K.*, Zhu, J., Xu, X., Lin, C., Ma, W., Lu, H., Zhao, Y., Lu, Y., Chen, J.-E., Yan, X.*, (2017) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62 (13), pp. 5200-5212. |
Beam Line Design of Compact Laser Plasma Accelerator, Zhu, J.-G., Zhu, K.*, Tao, L., Geng, Y.-X., Lin, C., Ma, W.-J., Lu, H.-Y., Zhao, Y.-Y., Lu, Y.-R., Chen, J.-E., Yan, X.-Q.*, (2017) Chinese Physics Letters, 34 (5) . |
An automated, 0.5 Hz nano-foil target positioning system for intense laser plasma experiments, Gao, Y., Bin, J., Haffa, D., Kreuzer, C., Hartmann, J., Speicher, M., Lindner, F.H., Ostermayr, T.M., Hilz, P., R?sch, T.F., Lehrack, S., Englbrecht, F., Seuferling, S., Gilljohann, M., DIng, H., Ma, W., Parodi, K., Schreiber, J.*, (2017) High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 5 . |
2016 |
M. L. Zhou, B. Liu, R. H. Hu, Y. R. Shou, C. Lin, H. Y. Lu, Y. R. Lu, Y. Q. Gu, W. J. Ma*, and X. Q. Yan*, Stable radiation pressure acceleration of ions by suppressing transverse Rayleigh-Taylor instability with multiple Gaussian pulses, Physics of Plasmas 23, 083109 (2016). |
Ion wave breaking acceleration, Liu, B., Meyer-Ter-Vehn, J., Bamberg, K.-U., Ma, W.J., Liu, J., He, X.T., Yan, X.Q., Ruhl, H.*, (2016) Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 19 (7). |
Using Target Ablation for Ion Beam Quality Improvement, Zhao, S., Lin, C., Chen, J.-E., Ma, W.-J., Wang, J.-J., Yan, X.-Q.*, (2016) Chinese Physics Letters, 33 (3) . |
Recent progress of proton acceleration at Peking University, Liao, Q., Lin, C., Ma, W., Geng, Y., Lu, H., Zhao, Y., Yan, X.*, (2016) IPAC 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pp. 1588-1591. |
CLAPA proton beam line in Peking University, Zhu, J.G., Zhu, K., Tao, L., Lin, C., Ma, W.J., Lu, H.Y., Chen, J.E., Yan, X.Q.*, (2016) IPAC 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pp. 1592-1594. |
2010-2015 |
J. H. Bin*, W. J. Ma*, H. Y. Wang, M. J. Streeter, C. Kreuzer, D. Kiefer, M. Yeung, S. Cousens, P. S. Foster, B. Dromey, X. Q. Yan, R. Ramis, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, M. Zepf*, and J. Schreiber*, Ion Acceleration Using Relativistic Pulse Shaping in Near-Critical-Density Plasmas, Physical Review Letters 115, 064801 (2015). |
Bright subcycle extreme ultraviolet bursts from a single dense relativistic electron sheet, Ma, W.J.*, Bin, J.H., Wang, H.Y., Yeung, M., Kreuzer, C., Streeter, M., Foster, P.S., Cousens, S., Kiefer, D., Dromey, B., Yan, X.Q., Meyer-Ter-Vehn, J., Zepf, M.*, Schreiber, J.*, (2014) Physical Review Letters, 113 (23). |
Laser-driven three-stage heavy-ion acceleration from relativistic laser-plasma interaction, Wang, H.Y., Lin, C., Liu, B., Sheng, Z.M., Lu, H.Y., Ma, W.J., Bin, J.H., Schreiber, J., He, X.T., Chen, J.E., Zepf, M., Yan, X.Q.*, (2014) Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 89 (1) . |
Dependence of laser-driven coherent synchrotron emission efficiency on pulse ellipticity and implications for polarization gating, Yeung, M., Dromey, B., Cousens, S., Dzelzainis, T., Kiefer, D., Schreiber, J., Bin, J.H., Ma, W., Kreuzer, C., Meyer-Ter-Vehn, J., Streeter, M.J.V., Foster, P.S., Rykovanov, S., Zepf, M.*, (2013) Physical Review Letters, 112 (12). |
Single shot cell irradiations with laser-driven protons, Humble, N., Allinger, K., Bin, J., Drexler, G.A., Friedl, A., Hilz, P., Kiefer, D., Ma, W., Reinhardt, S., Schmid, T.E., Zlobinskaya, O., Schreiber, J., Wilkens, J.J., (2013) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1546, pp. 84-86. |
Low-temperature, directly depositing individual single-walled carbon nanotubes for fabrication of suspended nanotube devices, Zhao, Y., Liu, Z., Liu, G., Zheng, K., Hu, L., Ma, W., Ren, Y., Gu, C., Xie, S., Sun, L., (2013) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (31), pp. 16256-16262. |
Divergence of laser-driven ion beams from nanometer thick foils, Bin, J.H., Ma, W.J.*, Allinger, K., Wang, H.Y., Kiefer, D., Reinhardt, S., Hilz, P., Khrennikov, K., Karsch, S., Yan, X.Q., Krausz, F., Tajima, T., Habs, D., Schreiber, J., (2013) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8779 . |
On the small divergence of laser-driven ion beams from nanometer thick foils, Bin, J.H., Ma, W.J.*, Allinger, K., Wang, H.Y., Kiefer, D., Reinhardt, S., Hilz, P., Khrennikov, K., Karsch, S., Yan, X.Q., Krausz, F., Tajima, T., Habs, D., Schreiber, J.*, (2013) Physics of Plasmas, 20 (7) . |
A repeated halving approach to fabricate ultrathin single-walled carbon nanotube films for transparent supercapacitors, Niu, Z., Zhou, W., Chen, J., Feng, G., Li, H., Hu, Y., Ma, W., Dong, H., Li, J., Xie, S., (2013) Small, 9 (4), pp. 518-524. |
Effect of supra-molecular microstructures on the adhesion of SWCNT fiber/iPP interface, Gao, Y., Xie, M., Liu, L., Li, J., Kuang, J., Ma, W., Zhou, W., Xie, S., Zhang, Z., (2013) Polymer, 54 (1), pp. 456-463. |
Efficient and stable proton acceleration by irradiating a two-layer target with a linearly polarized laser pulse, Wang, H.Y., Yan, X.Q.*, Chen, J.E., He, X.T., Ma, W.J.*, Bin, J.H., Schreiber, J., Tajima, T., Habs, D., (2013) Physics of Plasmas, 20 (1) . |
High-strength laminated copper matrix nanocomposites developed from a singlea walled carbon nanotube film with continuous reticulate architecture, Niu, Z., Ma, W., Li, J., Dong, H., Ren, Y., Zhao, D., Zhou, W., Xie, S., (2012) Advanced Functional Materials, 22 (24), pp. 5209-5215. |
A laser-driven nanosecond proton source for radiobiological studies, Bin, J., Allinger, K., Assmann, W., Dollinger, G., Drexler, G.A., Friedl, A.A., Habs, D., Hilz, P., Hoerlein, R., Humble, N., Karsch, S., Khrennikov, K., Kiefer, D., Krausz, F., Ma, W., Michalski, D., Molls, M., Raith, S., Reinhardt, S., R?per, B., Schmid, T.E., Tajima, T., Wenz, J., Zlobinskaya, O., Schreiber, J.*, Wilkens, J.J., (2012) Applied Physics Letters, 101 (24) . |
Carbon nanotube film synthesized from ethanol and its oxidation behavior in air, Ren, Y., Ma, W.-J., Zeng, Q.-S., Li, J.-Z., Dong, H.-B., Zhou, W.-Y.*, (2012) Chinese Physics B, 21 (9). |
Electromagnetic interference shielding of single-wall carbon nanotube buckypaper/epoxy composites, Liu, G., Ma, W.-J., An, X.-F., Xie, S.-S., Yi, X.-S.*, (2012) Xinxing Tan Cailiao/New Carbon Materials, 27 (2), pp. 100-104. |
Freestanding single-walled carbon nanotube bundle networks: Fabrication, properties and composites, Zhou, W., Ma, W., Niu, Z., Song, L., Xie, S.*, (2012) Chinese Science Bulletin, 57 (2-3), pp. 205-224. |
Fission-fusion: A new reaction mechanism for nuclear astrophysics based on laser-ion acceleration, Thirolf, P.G., Habs, D., Gross, M., Allinger, K., Bin, J., Henig, A., Kiefer, D., Ma, W., Schreiber, J., (2011) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1377, pp. 88-95. |
Superfast-response and ultrahigh-power-density electromechanical actuators based on hierarchal carbon nanotube electrodes and chitosan, Li, J.#, Ma, W.#, Song, L., Niu, Z., Cai, L., Zeng, Q., Zhang, X., Dong, H., Zhao, D., Zhou, W., Xie, S.*, (2011) Nano Letters, 11 (11), pp. 4636-4641. |
Preparation of self-supporting diamond-like carbon nanofoils with thickness less than 5 nm for laser-driven ion acceleration, Ma, W., Liechtenstein, V.Kh., Szerypo, J., Jung, D., Hilz, P., Hegelich, B.M., Maier, H.J., Schreiber, J., Habs, D.*, (2011) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 655 (1), pp. 53-56. |
High performance, freestanding and superthin carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposite films, Li, J., Gao, Y., Ma, W., Liu, L., Zhang, Z., Niu, Z., Ren, Y., Zhang, X., Zeng, Q., Dong, H., Zhao, D., Cai, L., Zhou, W., Xie, S.*, (2011) Nanoscale, 3 (9), pp. 3731-3736. |
Macroscopic carbon nanotube assemblies: Preparation, properties, and potential applications, Liu, L., Ma, W., Zhang, Z.*, (2011) Small, 7 (11), pp. 1504-1520. |
Introducing the fission-fusion reaction process: Using a laser-accelerated Th beam to produce neutron-rich nuclei towards the N=126 waiting point of the r-process, Habs, D.*, Thirolf, P.G., Gross, M., Allinger, K., Bin, J., Henig, A., Kiefer, D., Ma, W., Schreiber, J., (2011) Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 103 (2), pp. 471-484. |
Compact-designed supercapacitors using free-standing single-walled carbon nanotube films, Niu, Z., Zhou, W., Chen, J., Feng, G., Li, H., Ma, W., Li, J., Dong, H., Ren, Y., Zhao, D., Xie, S.*, (2011) Energy and Environmental Science, 4 (4), pp. 1440-1446. |
Laser particle acceleration: Status and perspectives for nuclear physics, Thirolf, P.G., Habs, D., Gross, M., Allinger, K., Bin, J., Henig, A., Kiefer, D., Ma, W., Schreiber, J.*, (2011) Acta Physica Polonica B, 42 (3-4), pp. 843-852. |
Fabrication and electrochemical properties of free-standing single-walled carbon nanotube film electrodes, Niu, Z.-Q., Ma, W.-J., Dong, H.-B., Li, J.-Z., Zhou, W.-Y., (2011) Chinese Physics B, 20 (2). |
Laser ion acceleration: Status and perspectives for fusion, Thirolf, P.G., Habs, D., Gross, M., Allinger, K., Bin, J., Henig, A., Kiefer, D., Ma, W., Schreiber, J., (2011) EPJ Web of Conferences, 17. |
Axial compression of hierarchically structured carbon nanotube fiber embedded in epoxy, Gao, Y., Li, J., Liu, L., Ma, W., Zhou, W., Xie, S., Zhang, Z., (2010) Advanced Functional Materials, 20 (21), pp. 3797-3803. |
Template synthesis and growth mechanism of metal nanowire/carbon nanotube heterojunctions, Niu, Z., Zhou, W., Ma, W., Dong, H., Li, J., Zhang, X., Zeng, Q., Xie, S., (2010) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (11), pp. 7583-7586. |
Large third-order optical nonlinearity in directly synthesized single-walled carbon nanotube films, Ma, W., Feng, B., Ren, Y., Zeng, Q., Niu, Z., Li, J., Zhang, X., Dong, H., Zhou, W., Xi, S., (2010) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (11), pp. 7333-7335. |
Autofocused, enhanced proton acceleration from a nanometer-scale bulged foil, Wang, H.Y., Yan, X.Q., Lu, Y.R., Zheng, F.L., Guo, Z.Y., Ma, W.J., He, X.T., Tajima, T., Habs, D., Chen, J.E., (2010) Physics of Plasmas, 17 (11), . |
Synthesis and physical properties of macroscale carbon nanotube architectures, Xie, S.S.*, Ma, W.J., Zhou, W.Y.*, (2010) INEC 2010 - 2010 3rd International Nanoelectronics Conference, Proceedings, p. 31. |
ZnS/Zn2SnO4 biaxial nanowire heterostructures, Shen, J., Ge, B., Dong, H., Zhang, N., Luo, S., Ma, W., Duan, X., Xie, S., Zhou, W.*, (2010) Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 42 (5), pp. 1435-1440. |
2005-2009 (as the first author) |
High-strength composite fibers: Realizing true potential of carbon nanotubes in polymer matrix through continuous reticulate architecture and molecular level couplings, Ma, W., Liu, L., Zhang, Z., Yang, R., Liu, G., Zhang, T., An, X., Yi, X., Ren, Y., Niu, Z., Li, J., Dong, H., Zhou, W., Ajayan, P.M., Xie, S.*, (2009) Nano Letters, 9 (8), pp. 2855-2861. |
Monitoring a micromechanical process in macroscale carbon nanotube films and fibers, Ma, W., Liu, L., Yang, R., Zhang, T., Zhang, Z., Song, L., Ren, Y., Shen, J., Niu, Z., Zhou, W., Xie, S.*, (2009) Advanced Materials, 21 (5), pp. 603-608. |
Directly synthesized strong, highly conducting, transparent single-walled carbon nanotube films, Ma, W., Song, L., Yang, R., Zhang, T., Zhao, Y., Sun, L., Ren, Y., Liu, D., Liu, L., Shen, J., Zhang, Z., Xiang, Y., Zhou, W., Xie, S., (2007) Nano Letters, 7 (8), pp. 2307-2311. |
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